
Enjoy this holiday story. My husband and I went to a nice sw..

Published: October 30th 2023, 1:42:13 pm


Enjoy this holiday story. My husband and I went to a nice swingers Island.

Two handsome and very tall Jamaican gentlemen approached us and asked if we would like a hand with our bags and to show us to our room. They must have read John’s face before he could say anything about how they didn’t look like they worked for the hotel. Neither were wearing shirts or shoes, just shorts and their smiles. Both had similar perfect builds without an ounce of visible body fat. ‘Sunglasses, don’t fail me now,’ I thought to myself as my eyes wandered to them.

hey explained they lived on the other side of the country and often came to the resort for long weekends. “Sure, thanks; that would be great,” I said and told them our villa number. “Not too far at all. Follow us.” One of them said to grab my bag, and we did. They were both very nice and led us toward our room with normal small talk. After placing my bag in the closet, the one carrying it said I had an island virgin look to me and asked if it was true. This comment made me blush and wet at the same time. All eyes were on me. I said defiantly, “I’ve been to plenty of islands, just not Jamaica until today.” This made everyone laugh, myself included. They looked at me like I was a gift to unwrap. I can’t say I didn’t appreciate their blatant eyes undressing me; after all, I had just done the same to them.

Looking at my husband, he asked him if I had received an island welcome on our other trips. Puzzled, he looked at me, and we shrugged, and he said everyone has been welcoming so far. Then, laughing and in unison, they turned to me and dropped their shorts to their ankles, and yelled, “Welcome to the island!” exposing two of the biggest, physically swinging dicks I had seen.

With not a blemish between them, they could have been twins cut from a perfect mold of muscle, sinew, and cock. My hand clamped my mouth in shock and awe as I watched them sway like twin pendulums. Standing proud with their hands on their hips, I wondered how many times these two had pulled this clearly rehearsed erotic little stunt. Looking past them and at John, who was standing on the other side of the room, speechless, my eyes asked if I could touch them without having to say a word. His slight shrug was all I needed to see, and I knelt where I stood.

Both men took a step toward me, standing side by side — no longer swaying but stiffening from their semi-hard state. Now inches from my face, I took one in each hand. Mr. Rightside was the longer of the two, at my judgment of ten granite-hard, straight-as-an-arrow inches. Mr. Leftside may have been an inch or so shorter, but he was much thicker around. I couldn’t close my hand around him, and it made me pause to really look at this unit. On my knees, I stroked him to full erection inches from my face, his pre-cum making his thick mushroom head glisten. Releasing my grip on Mr. Rightside allowed me to use both hands to pump the giant leaking sex weapon. Toying with his well-cut bulbous head, I traced it with my tongue, pulling off long threads of pre-cum that fell across my chin.

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