

Published: May 18th 2024, 1:31:47 pm



Good afternoon,

As I mentioned a little while ago, I've been unwell and unable to film or be online consistently for a while. That's why there has been a delay in answering DM's, videos, etc. I have just now finally caught up and replied to everybody, and am getting back to putting things back in my calendar that I had to postpone because I was sick.

I am feeling much better now, I can cook, walk, drink water, eat etc. Which is always wonderful. However, I am still not fully back to normal. Glandular fever does unfortunately come with long term exhaustion, that could last up to 6 months (GOD I hope it goes away before then !) So some days are definitely harder than others to get things done because I just don't have energy. So I do need to allow extra time to take into account times that I may simply not be able to film. But, I am putting things back in my calendar as I mentioned.

I have a lot that I had to push back and now reschedule, so as you can imagine my calendar is getting packed very quickly for the next few weeks or so. But if you were ALREADY in the process of ordering a custom with me when I had to postpone due to sickness, check your DM's and we can pick back up where we left off. Like I say, at this moment, I have answered all my DM's, so if we were in the process of an order before I had to postpone things, I will have replied regarding picking things back up where we left off.

And for everybody else, I am hoping to ease myself back into things over the next few weeks, so I look forward to getting back into my work, including some sexting sessions and ratings next week ;) Keep an eye out here to see my availability on that nearer to the time. I'm aiming for Friday and Saturday evening UK time ;)

Much love,

Seraphina 🖤

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