Update about my Glandular Fever (sexy, I know ;) ): So, it'..
Published: May 8th 2024, 11:13:26 pm
Update about my Glandular Fever (sexy, I know ;) ):
So, it's been a ROUGH few days. Possibly the sickest I have ever been besides when I got a brutal strain of Coronavirus in January of 2020 that had me hospitalised.
In any case, after 6 days, FINALLY I can function a bit better. I'm still very ill don't get me wrong, but I can look at a screen, I can eat enough to sustain the pain meds and not just have to hope on hope that I don't get a stomach ulcer from raw dogging three different kinds of pain meds all staggered to overlap. I can drink enough water. So that is good.
I will keep you updated as to when I am back to filming and life as usual. The nasty part is supposed to last 2-3 weeks, but I need to take it easy for a few months. So I will do my best to discern what that means for me and my content, and keep you posted as I do.
In the meantime, take care <3