
Love vs Lust“Math, are you awake?” whispers Penny with a gen..

Published: January 22nd 2025, 10:31:33 pm


Love vs Lust

“Math, are you awake?” whispers Penny with a gentle touch on my arm. My eyes pop open, revealing light peeking through the holes in our box. I look to her and gently place my hand on hers. I squint, trying to survey the scene outside.
“What is she doing?” I ask Penny. She stands and slowly walks to a hole just eye level for us and peeks outside. I follow and wait for my turn to peek.

As Penny stares out the hole, her breath trembles, “She’s horrible. Why has she done this to us? Is she really this crazy?!” Penny's lip begins to quiver. I place my hand on the small of her back as she steps away. I dry her tear with my finger, “I don’t know.. I’m sorry for this.. This is all my fault.” I wrap my arms tightly around her as she sobs.

“We must stay quiet, Pen.. Please..” I whisper as I hold her tight.

“Why don’t you go look and see if you can keep yourself calm!” She gestures to the hole as she turns away sobbing.

I peer through the hole and what I see is difficult to determine. I see suitcases strung all across the living room. Dresses, bikinis, undergarments, and shoes litter the floor and couches. I see no sign of Ashton, but I can hear clattering from the other room. I scan the room again, looking at the clothing and luggage. That’s when I realize why Penny is so upset. The clothing and suitcases are Penny’s. Ashton must have went to our home and stole Penny’s clothes. I continue to look around, now clearly recognizing the clothing as hers. Remembering the fond memories Penny and I had shared together in our nearly 7 years of marriage.

“Oh, Pen.. I’m so sorry..” I turn to look at Penny and she is angry. Her face wet with tears, but her face angrier than I’ve ever seen her. She is hurt, I understood, but I couldn’t completely understand why she was this upset. “Maybe this is a good thing. This will keep her busy and maybe she will leave us alone for a while as she goes on her crazy spree.” I try to console her.

“You didn’t see her, did you?” Penny asks.

“No, why? Where is she?” I am confused.

That’s when I hear her booming footsteps coming back into the living room. My head snaps back to the hole, but it is blocked. Ashton is standing in front of it blocking the light. I get in front of Penny as we quickly back into a corner, desperate to stay hidden. The lid to our pathetic shoe box home is removed, blasting light in as we shield our eyes.

When my eyes adjust, I see her.. Ashton. Towering above us with a glass of wine in one hand and an envelope in the other. And she is wearing my wife’s wedding dress. Ashton takes a long drink from her glass, finishing her wine. Purple liquid seeping from the corner of her mouth as she swallows with loud, obnoxious gulps. She then belches and smiles down at us. I feel my face go white. I now understand why Penny is so upset. Ashton is crazy, but never would I have imagined her doing something like this.

“Hey, Penhole, I can’t get it zipped up. Could you help me out? Or do you think it’s because my tits are just way too big? Ha ha ha! I know I’ve got a lot on you, but damn! Your bikinis make me look hot as fuck though! I’ll have to model those for you later, Math.” Ashton winks with a huge smile as she torments us.

“TAKE MY DRESS OFF, YOU PSYCHO BITCH!” Penny pushes me aside and runs to the center of the box screaming and pointing up to Ashton.

“Penny, no!” I try to grab her hand as she ran, but she won't stop.

“IT’S BEEN ALMOST 10 YEARS, YOU CRAZY BITCH. GET OVER IT! WHO THE FUCK DOES THIS?! WHAT DO YOU EVEN WANT?!” Penny continues screaming at Ashton. I look up at her colossal face and it was as stoic as ever. She always took verbal insults eerily well. Penny keeps screaming, becoming inaudible as she gets increasingly upset. She then drops to her knees, covering her face with her hands as she sobs uncontrollably.

I look up at Ashton and she cracks a small grin. Well, Pen, you lost that one.. Ashton’s eyes lock on me and her grin grows.

“Would you like to reminisce with me, Math?” She asks as she opens the envelope. Ashton pulls out a piece of paper that had seals at the bottom, but I can't make out what they are. It was an official document, to be sure, but I can't see it fully from my vantage point.

Ashton clears her throat, “On the twenty sixth of May, two thousand eighteen, Penelope and Mathis were wed." She moved the paper down, "Hmm, how strange? Because.." she puts her hand to her mouth as if sharing a secret, "Not sure if you know this or not, Penelope, but on May 26th, 2015, Mathis proposed to me. So.. he got married to you, on the anniversary of proposing to me! That’s also my birthday.." Ashton threw her head back laughing. "Wow, how stalkery? Ew, Math, you’re gross!”
Without the slightest hesitation, Ashton rips the document in half and drops it on the floor. She lowers her face closer and restores that stone-cold face she has, “You guys fuck every year on my birthday.” She pulls her face back and quickly reaches in to grab us both before we can even try to escape. We are both left sitting in Ashton’s palm near her face.

“Did you guys ever get into kinky shit to celebrate? Penelope seems a bit vanilla. I always wondered why you married her, but maybe I’m wrong. Are you a kinky bitch, Penelope?” Ashton asks casually.

Penny stares at her, not making a sound or movement. Ashton brings us closer to her face and nudges her with her fingertip, “I asked you a question. Are you a kinky bitch or are you a boring fuck?”

“FUCK YOU, BITCH!” Penny screams again and lunges at Ashton’s face.
Smooth as silk, Ashton pulls her face back slightly and Penny is left free falling from Ashton’s hand.

I lunge to the edge watching helplessly as Penny falls, “PEEEENNNNYYYY!!!! NOOOO!!!” I cry out as I watch Penny screaming and kicking, desperate as she falls. I watch and see her land on the white field of her own dress laid across Ashton’s lap.

“Oh-ho-ho! Maybe she’s not a basic bitch after all! She has some feistiness in her. That’s a shock.” Ashton plucks Penny from her lap and brings her to her face, scanning her up and down. “I’ve never actually looked at you this well before. Or maybe it’s just because you’re so tiny. But.. something about you does seem quite appealing. Maybe.. Hmm..” Ashton snaps her gaze to me. “Maybe I’ll fuck your wife, Math. She’d make a good little dildo. I would bring her back to you, don’t worry. She’ll just be covered in my juice. Ha ha ha! You remember what that’s like, Math? I get so messy. But to have a self cleaning dildo.. Now that would be perfect. After you make me cum, you can clean up all my juice. Would you like to taste me again, Math? Or would you like to watch your wife taste?" She pauses, as if expecting an answer, but I am simply speechless. Ashton shrugs her shoulders, "Either way, someone is going inside my body.”
Ashton begins to move Penny downwards and away from her face, away from me. Penny cries out and begs her not to. Completely shocked by how quickly things are progressing, I desperately shout out “I’LL DO IT, ASHTON. Just.. please.. don’t do that to Penny. Please.. I-I’ll do whatever you want.”

Ashton shoots up an eyebrow and smirks, she looks to Penny, “Hear that? He wants to taste me again. I’m so wet already, fuck, I think I’ve ruined your dress. Whoopsie!”

She brings us both to her face, one in each hand, “However, I want to taste you.” She looks to Penny, fear washed across her face.

“Wh-what do you mean? I-I don’t want that. I-I’m vanilla, like you said. I-I don’t like girls.” stutters Penny.

Ashton rolls her eyes and looks to me “Seriously?” She looks back to Penny, “I don’t care what you want. Remove your clothes.”

Penny is mortified, she tries to find a way out of it “Please, no! I’ll do anything else! Please! I’ve never been with anyone besides Math, please!”

Ashton’s mouth drops open in shock, “Wow! Now I get it! She was virgin pussy and you wanted to be the first to crack it open! Wow.. Math.. you’re a dog! Ha ha! But still, remove your clothes, Penelope the Pure. I want a taste.”

Penny sobs as she removes her clothes and stands naked in Ashton’s palm.

“Please, Ashton, don’t do this to her. Please, I’ll do whatever you want.” I beg her as she watches Penny.

“Oh, I know you’ll do whatever I want, but you’ll have to wait your turn.” Ashton says to me with a wink. A blush goes over me and I break eye contact.

“Oooo, Penny. You’re actually hot. Ow ow! Look at you. Your tits might be small, but they sure are perky!” Ashton brings Penny closer to her face as she smells her. “Mm.. you smell so sweet. Come here.” Ashton puckers her lips and engulfs Penny’s face with a big, wet kiss. “Mmm.. sweet indeed.” Ashton goes back in for another kiss, but this time, her kiss migrates to Penny’s lower body. “Sweet. Mmm..” She kisses her all over, then she begins licking her. Ashton’s long tongue dragging all along Penny’s tiny body. I feel a tingle rush through me, I am flushed and want to look away, but I am locked in on watching my ex-girlfriend lick my wife like she’s some kind of toy. Ashton’s blue eyes burn through me as she sees me watching. She smiles through the licks and continues mercilessly ravaging Penny.

“Does this turn you on, Math?” Ashton asks. I blush and turn away, but not before seeing Penny’s look of betrayal on her face. Penny is being humiliated and I am enjoying it, “You’re a monster, Ashton.” I state.

“Doesn’t mean you’re not turned on by it.” Ashton says before she resumes licking Penny. She then picks up Penny by her leg. She screams as Ashton opens her mouth wide and dangles Penny above it.

“No! Ashton, wh-what are you doing?! Don’t!” I scream, but still conflicted in my feelings, I stutter and stumble to my knees.

Ashton rolls out her tongue and opens even wider, Penny screams, “Please don’t! No! Ah!!” Ashton lets go of Penny’s leg and Penny disappears into Ashton’s mouth. Ashton swallows with another one of those loud obnoxious gulps and moans as she traces Penny down her throat, “Ooohhh, my gooooodddd! That was hot.”
She looks at me. I find myself on my knees with shaky breath, adrenaline and lust running through my veins. I stand up and look at Ashton, trying to be brave and deny my feelings. “You. Are. A. Monster!” I shout at her.

“Yeah, yeah.. but, you're still gonna fuck me.”