
The DarknessDarkness surrounds me. All I see, feel and hear ..

Published: December 18th 2024, 1:47:48 am

The Darkness

Darkness surrounds me. All I see, feel and hear is drenched in darkness. The glass that surrounds me gives painful echoes of things beyond my prison, leaving dread constantly stirring in my gut. I hear the familiar echo of thundering footsteps. The dread in my gut bottoming out as my heartbeat bounces off the glass and fills my ears. My breath uneven as I hug my knees to my chest and my entire body begins to tremble. She’s home. Oh, god.. She’s home. I hug my knees tighter when I hear the door close and the footsteps booming as they descend the stairs. Click, click, click her heels sharply hitting each wooden step with slow, careful precision. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9..10 steps. When she reaches the floor, her heels click to the rhythm of her slow strut, even sharper on the concrete floor. Click... click... click... closer.. closer... closer...
A wave of heat crashes over my entire body. I fidget around, attempting to scoot myself farther away, but my back is only pressed tighter against the glass. She’s almost here.. I feel sweat beading on my forehead. I press my head into my knees and try to breathe.
Click... click... click...
The slow click of her heels is meant to torment me before she even appears. She knows what she’s doing. She’s very good at what she does. She’s a monster.

Her pace slows to a stop just outside the door. I snap my head up and stare in the direction of the door, seeing nothing but complete darkness. My eyes wide, both with anticipation and in attempt to see. I blink furiously as I wait for her to appear. Every time she approaches that door, I am filled with the same amount of dread and terror. I continue staring towards the door and listening for her. I see and hear nothing. She’s there. I know she is. It feels like hours have gone by with no sign of her. Then, I hear her footsteps retreating.
Click, click, click as they quickly fade away.
I release a shaky breath and relax my body, stretching my legs out and leaning my head against the glass. I close my eyes and let out a deep, heavy sigh.

Suddenly, the door burst open with a loud bang as the lights are blasted on.

“Helloooooo!” her sing-songey voice filling the glass.

I jump at the bang, cover my eyes from the blast of light and cover my ears from the loudness. How?

As if reading my mind, she answers. “I took my shoes off, dummy. You’re too easy! Ha ha!”, she boasts as she dangles her high heels on her fingers. She drops them carelessly and approaches my glass prison. She gets her face close and looks me over with a smirk.

“Come now. I want to try something.” She says as she reaches down into the jar. I instinctively resist as I back away, but I am no match for her and I have nowhere to hide. She snatches me up with ease as I let out a grunt from her force against my chest.

She brings me to her face studying me. She looks as if she’s trying to solve a riddle, her face is puzzled and curious. I am abashed with her eyes all over me as I feel myself flush. Nothing I do goes unnoticed by her.

Her response is a wicked smile. “Not used to this much attention, huh? I get it. Staring me in the face is a big shift from being on your knees licking my feet. Ha ha!”

I blush again. I hate how she makes me feel. She’s evil. Pure evil.

“So, anyways.. I was at work today and I had an Almond Joy. Those are delicious, by the way! So good.. mmm.” She pauses and sneers at me. “Oh.. that’s right.. you don’t even remember what water tastes like. Foot sweat and foot crumbs are your diet now. Hmm.. that sucks, anyways. I was eating it and I got a piece of almond stuck in my retainer! I worked on it all day to get it out because I could not find a toothpick. Ugh.. so annoying. I did end up getting it out, but I’ve had this idea all day. ‘If only I had something small that could go in there and clean it out for me. Something that would be thankful for a change in diet and do this for me with gratitude.’" Her smile grows bigger as she continues. “You know where I’m going with this, right? YOU! I was thinking of YOU!”

I am dumbstruck by what she is saying, but I’m still afraid to speak.

“Well? Doesn’t leftover FOOD, real FOOD, sound great to you?” her smile beckons for a reply, but still my mouth remains agape with no words.
“Oh, for the love of.. You may speak, bug. God, you’re annoyingly obedient..” her smile disappears as she rolls her eyes.

“I-I would be most thankful for my Goddess’s leftover scraps. Th-thank you, my gracious goddess.” I manage to quickly reply before I anger her.

“Good, but first, you’ll need to wash. Strip.”

I immediately blush all over as I remove my clothes and stand naked in the palm of her hand. She smiles and winks at me, flustering me even more. She then drops me into a cup of water. The shock of the water temperature takes my breath away. I look up to see her finger coming down into the cup with me. She hits me with her finger and begins to swirl me around inside the cup, giving me no chance to catch and hold my breath as she drags me all around the cup. After a few swirling moments, she pulls me from the cup and drops me in her palm. I am laid out gasping for air and soaked.

“You’re fine. Stop being dramatic. Now get up.” she demands as she continues her gaze. I stand up and look into her eyes. Two pools of deceptive evil. I look away, but she caught me.

“Aw, eye contact is hard isn’t it? Don’t worry. You won’t need to do any eye contact in here!” pointing to her mouth, she opens it wide and brings me close. The hot air escaping her mouth is a welcomed warmth. It’s been so long since I’ve felt warmth in any way. I wanted to get closer. I felt my body leaning towards it as she closed her mouth and pulled me away.

“You need to know where you’re going before you get in there. I want my back two molars cleaned of all plaque. Eat all of it. I don’t want any of that stuff floating around in there for me to swallow. Since this is the first run, we’ll just start with those two for today. You should be able to manage that, right?”
I nod my head as I feel a tingle going through my body. A tingle I haven’t felt in months. A tingle I’ve never felt while in her presence, for certain.

She opens her mouth again and rolls out her tongue. She brings her palm to the edge of her tongue, allowing me to step onto her tongue.

That’s when I felt the tingle turn into an irresistible burn. My knees were immediately weak and my head weightless. Her tongue splayed out before me. One giant mass of wet, slippery, warmth. I look up to see the dark cavern at the back of her throat. Soft, shiny and a perfect shade of pink. She let out a shallow breath. The warm wind brushing against my entire body. That’s when I noticed how excited I truly was. I dropped to my knees and placed my hands on her tongue. Feeling the muscles moving around beneath my palms, the warm saliva that coated it.. I was helpless to its power. The warmth emitting from her was overly-inviting and I could not resist. I was overcome with sexual ecstasy. I ignored all the muscle memory telling me to obey her commands just to have this one moment. I laid on my stomach, feeling her tongue encapsulate me from head to toe. I spread my arms out and squeezed as tight as I could. I thrust my hips as deep into her tongue as I could manage. Feeling the easy way her tongue rippled to the thrust of my hips, I gave another one. And another one. And another one. Until I was fully engulfed in the pleasure of grinding myself on her tongue.

“Oh fuck.” I said aloud as I neared completion. “Oh-Oh-Ahh..” I spilled my excitement all over her tongue in sweet relief. As my head cleared, I stumbled as I stood up and turned around. What I saw took away any bit of joy I had remaining to me.

I saw her. And me. In the reflection of a mirror. Her mouth still open.

I stuttered, trying to find anything to say, but nothing was coming. She stared at me saying nothing. Her face was expressionless.

“G-goddess I-I-I-“ I struggled to speak. Nothing was making sense in my mind.

Then, her mouth slowly began to close. The mirror fading out of my sight.

“No! No, please! Goddess! Please! I’m sorry! Goddess!” I begged her as her mouth continued to close around me. I tried to run to the front of her mouth, but she had pulled her tongue back. It was useless. I was trapped. Her mouth was now fully closed and I was, once again, in complete darkness. I felt her tongue moving around below me. I fell to my back as I felt myself being raised into the air. Then, I was slammed into the roof of her mouth and given a hard vacuum-like squeeze all over my body. As I was pressed tightly against her palate, her tongue gave me several rubs up and down the backside of my body as she continued sucking on me. The fear going through my body began to mix with excitement once more. Her tongue, so powerful and soft, it was causing conflict with my body and mind.

Suddenly, I was free falling. I landed on my back with a soft thud on her tongue. As I lay there, I could feel the warmth of her tongue seeping into my body. I was overcome with desire as I began to pleasure myself again. I was powerless. Her tongue had me at its mercy. I had no fight in me, only a burning, greedy urge for more. I lay there on my back indulging in my pleasure as I saw light appear once more. I didn’t care. I was too excited to fear any punishment she may inflict on me. This pleasure would be worth any amount of pain. I looked out to see the mirror once again. I could see myself sprawled out in my moment and her watching me. When she began to speak, her tongue rippled under me, sending a rush through me.

“You like it in there, huh? Mmm.. I can taste you. You taste good. I can taste your cum, too. You’re probably coated in it now. Like icing on a cupcake.” Her words were slow and sultry. Almost as if she was encouraging me, so I continued, reveling in the movements she made as she spoke.

I could see the mirror once more. She stared and I stared back at her. Once our eyes locked, I was done. I was instantly covered once more in my own mess. I let out a sigh of relief and continued to lay sprawled out locking eyes with her. She raised her eyebrows.

“Hmm? Good.”

Darkness returned. I was once more slammed against the roof of her mouth and sucked like a piece of candy. All the saliva and seed that had surrounded me was now being sucked away until I was the only thing left on her tongue. When the pressure was released, I was free falling again, but this time I didn't land on her tongue. I felt the air thicken around me as I continued to fall. My fall was interrupted by a loud gulp. I was lost to the darkness within her.

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With love,