
***MY HOTWIFE JOURNEY Pt 20 Continued:*** "Three Guys In A ..

Published: December 6th 2023, 11:16:01 am


***MY HOTWIFE JOURNEY Pt 20 Continued:*** "Three Guys In A Week: The Third Guy" So, I had left you all knowing that two cocks in two days was just not going to suffice. I was literally on the prowl again. I always say this, but you’d think for a woman that it would be easy to find guys to play with. I used to hear it all the time when I would hang out with hubby’s friends or even all my old friends. Guys would sit there and say things that always started with “If I was a chick…” Well lucky for me my husband encourages the idea of my fuck boy mentality. I mean lets be honest, sometimes you just want to fuck. But majority of the time life and the thoughts and opinions of others tend to get in the way. I always say, imagine if we could do whatever we want, and no one would find out. How would your life change? Because right now, all I wanted was to fuck another guy. It had been a crazy week and I can tell you one thing. When you get fucked like I do… the following morning usually results in a very sore body. I always feel like I have just run a marathon… but worse and in different parts. I needed a massage. So I had two things on my mind… a massage and a good fuck. In my work life and life in general I am all about efficiency, so why not get two birds with one stone. That “fuck-boy” mentality shining through again. I guess you can see why I just get along with guys so easily. I went on the search. I was pleasantly surprised with how quickly this all came together. I got exactly what I was looking for. He was first and foremost very professional. However, after a little bit of back and forth chatting I got the hint that there was a cheeky side to him. Oh yeah, did I mention that he was dark, very tall and extremely handsome? He was ticking boxes left, right and center. But I had a problem. Well two problems really. Here I was, flirting with my soon to be masseur and extending a text conversation that really should of only been simple formalities. But how was I to tell him that the massage was meant to be just a warm up to the main meal? And even better, how was I meant to tell him that I’d love if my husband could come and watch? You see I sort of made hubby a promise that my next time would incl ude him. You probably won’t believe what happened next so, here is word for word the te xt conversation (by the way lets just call him “The Masseur”): The Masseur: “Sorry if this is out of left fie ld but I am sort of getting the vibe that you are do wn for more than a massage..?” Me: “Really it was that obvious?” The Masseur: “I’m smart like that ” Me: “Well if we are being totally honest there is a lot more to me then you think.” The Masseur: “I’m all ears and I definitely don’t judge.” Me: “Ok… since you were straight to the point I will be too… I’m a hotwife and one of my fantasies has been to find a hot masseur who would be down to massage me while my husband watched and if things just happened to go further… then I’d be more than okay with that.” He left me on read for about 5 minutes after that message… so I basically put my phone down thinking that I probably was too honest. Turns out I wasn’t. The Masseur: “You are pulling my leg right? You found my page?” Me “Ahhh I’m not. That’s the truth and what page?” So turns out that my masseur was a masseur second and long time bull first. Seriously… sometimes things are just meant to be. Let’s just say we texted for the rest of the night and before we fell asleep we had arranged a “massage” for the very next day. Three guys in a week, What more could I ask for? Meanwhile, I kept hubby in the loop the entire time and to be completely honest, he was probably more excited then I was. I mean how would you feel if you knew your wife was about to be massaged and hopefully given a really happy ending? We had agreed to schedule the massage for 2 pm the next day. I have to say… I was a little nervous when we arrived and he was already waiting i with his huge massage table with him. Of course… checking in and then walking into the lift with my husband and a very tall and handsome guy with a massage table… let’s not lie. Everyone knew exactly what was going on. So, to skip to the good bit, within minutes he had me at ease and before I knew it, I was laying down, in nothing but my thong, on his massage table. And from there… both hubby and I were in heaven. Me, because although he said he was a bull first, his massage was next level and hubby because for so long he had fantasied about me being naked on a massage table having another guy explore every part of my body. I have had plenty of massages in my time, but this was the first massage where both me and the masseur were not limited to boundaries. The press ure he applied had me relaxed but he would often glide his hands onto parts of my body that I had no idea would leave me on the verge of moaning and my pussy ac hing for him to explore more. I was basically getting a lesson in erogenous zones. As far as I knew, my neck was the only place that really stimulated pleasure. But he had me squir ming when he would massage over my inner thighs. Maybe because his hands were so close to my pussy. He had me constantly on the verge of clima x. I could tell he was an ass guy though, he spent a lot of time on my glutes and I made sure to thank him afterwards because they were so ti ght. I didn’t even notice that he had removed his shirt and his pants and not long after he jumped onto the table too and had my legs resting over his legs as he really started to get into my hamstrings and ass. I could tell he was enjoying it but he confirmed this when he lent forward, ran his hands up the length of my body and push ed his face into my ass. He then proceeded to remove my thong. Now I was completely naked. Laying fac e down on his table, with my legs spread and my masseur behind me, with a perfect view of my pussy and asshole. It wasn’t long from here that things started to he at up. He was no longer grazing the side of my pussy with his hands but rubbing his hands entirely over my pussy. He would lean over and kiss every part of my body. The feeling of his brea thing causing my entire body to jolt with electricity. I don’t know at what stage he turned me over because I had loss the sense of time and it was replaced with only the sense of pleasure. After massaging the front half of my body he once again got back on the table, only this time he made it very clear that I was to spread my legs for him. And that’s when he basically changed my views on how a female should orgasm. His tongue was amazing but what he did to me with only his fingers has made me rethink every orgasm I have ever had. He had me curled up on my back with my legs spread wide in the air. And that is basically all I can tell you about what happens next. All I know is that for the next, however long it was, I was in pleasure. Oh and absolutely soa ked from how much he made me squir t. Now you might think I am exaggerating but he basically turned me into a wa ter soa ker. I had drenc hed his massage table so much that we had to wipe it down twice. And on top of that I basically looked like I had just got out of the sho wer. I later watched it all back from Hubby’s perspective and I was in disbelief. I have squi rted before. But never like that. To be honest, I don’t think I have ever seen anyone squ irt like it. You’ll have to see for yourself because I really am not exaggerating. I do remember laughing with my husband and telling him that “he is using me like a wat er toy.” And this was all before the real fun had even begun. I mean to be fair at this stage I could of gone home happy, very happy. But hey, I am more fun than that. After the masseur had wiped down his table for the second time, I told him that it was his turn now. He leaned over and started kissing me while I reached out and was surprised to find that he had taken his underwear off. And that’s when I realised why he said he was a bull first and masseur second. He was huge. Thicker and longer then hubby was and he wasn’t even semi hard yet. I think I turned on multiple occasions and whispered to hubby that he was just “so thick.” I didn’t even leave the table as I maneuvered my mouth over to his cock. Taking his amazing cock into my mouth. I felt it grow, inch by inch as I continued to suck on it. Swirl ing my tongue around the tip of his penis before he grabb ed my hair and proceeded to face fuck me. After the multiple orgasms he had given me, I was more then happy to let him us e my mouth. And us e he did. He had me in three different positions and I never took my mouth of his cock. My favourite was when he hu ng my head over the back of his massage table. And surprisingly, even to me, he slid the entire length of his cock down my throat. I was impressed with myself, but not as impressed as hubby was. When he finally pulled the entire length of his cock out of my mouth I looked up at hubby and laughed. His eyes were wide and his jaw was open. He couldn’t believe what he just witnessed. Later on in the car trip home he couldn’t stop raving about how I deep thro ated his entire cock. Once I he had finished fucking my mouth we both jumped onto the table. I have to say he was an amazing kisser. So passionate. He explored my body with his tongue before stopping at my nipples. I needed his cock though. I strad dled him as he slowly slid it in my pussy. Stretc hing the openi ng with its girth before sliding into what might well have been the w ettest pussy he had ever experienced. Before long I was riding him. With my legs wrapped around his waist. His massage table definitely passed with flying colours as we really put it to the test. We continued to kiss as we moved from position to position. He fol ded me in half and managed to thru st his cock even dee per into my pussy before getting off the table and putting my legs over his shoulders and pil e drivi ng into me. It was in this position that I motioned for hubby to come over. My head was just in the perfect position, han ging off the side of the massage table, to be spit roas ted. It was definitely over due. Being fucked from both ends was such a fantasy for my husband and seemed so far fetched for me. I remember when my husband brought the idea up of being spit roasted to me and I basically laughed it off. Now, here I was, summoning him over to put his cock in my mouth while I was having my pussy fucked. We continued until I started seeing stars. Having your head ha ng off the edge of the table will do that to you. We moved over to the bed where I immediately started sucking my new bull’s cock and presenting on all fours. My hubby definitely got the hint and slide straight into my stret ched pussy. He thru sted into my from behind, trying his hardest to make me moan. He didn’t last very long before pulling out and I knew exactly why. He had pulled out before he blew his load. I laughed to myself. Once my bull had me all to himself he pus hed me face down onto the bed, pi nned my arms against my back, gra bbed the back of my neck and continued to really fuck me. I had gone from being use d by his fingers to being absolutely dom inated by his cock. And I wasn't complaining. He wanted to use me and I wanted to be used. He pulled me up by my hair and continued to fuck me on all fours before pulling me up and kissing me while he was still in me from behind. At one stage he was fucking me so har d I reached out for hubby to hold my hand. I knew he would love it. Hubby told me on countless times to not be so loud. He said that I was making noises he had ne ver even heard before. He even came over and cla mped my mouth shut with his hands. We continued to fuck, well I mean he continued to fuck me and I continued to be man han dled around the bed. Hubby even joined in again. Having me suck his cock or sliding into me from behind (which I could hardly feel). He also got into the mood of things by pus hing my head do wn onto my bull’s cock. After working up a sweat my bull finally announced that he was going to cum. I told him to cum in me and at the same time turned to hubby and said, “He is going to fill me up.” He picked up his rhythm as I put my hands over my mouth to stop me from screa ming to o loud. I looked into my Hubby’s eyes as he unlea shed his load into my pussy. Our cum all together and making a huge mess as he pulled his cock out. I could feel it around my pussy and dri pping down my legs. We kissed for a bit longer and I told him there was zero chance that I was going to be able to walk the next day. As my bull got off the bed hubby looked at me and said, “I’m going to cum in you too.” I replied, “Sorry?” And all of a sudden his tone went from “I’m going to” to “Can I cum in you?” I laughed and said you can but you’ll clean me up first. Hubby knew his place. He cra wled onto the bed and went to work. Clea ning not just my pussy, but my legs as well. There is something so pow erful about having him clea n me up another man’s cum from my pussy. I didn’t think this would be our thing but it definitely has turned into a routine now. I get fucked. He clea ns me up. Then he gets slop py seconds. And slo ppy seconds it was. He slid into me from behind and lasted all of 30 seconds. I guess in hind sight it was a good thing that he didn’t last long because I probably couldn’t have taken much more. I definitely need more weeks like this.