
1 week of denial - Monday He thought he could cum today sin..

Published: May 27th 2024, 11:08:08 am


1 week of denial - Monday

He thought he could cum today since I usually let him cum after teasing him. Not today. Not this week🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️

I'm taking it AGONIZINGLY SLOW this time. Starting with his underwear on, I gently run my nails across his rock hard cock. Teasing all his sensitive areas - running my fingers up the frenulum to his sensitive slit, and back down to his frenulum again as his cock twitches. Do you want to cum? Sure please try to cum. You can cum anytime you like~ Aww you can't cum with just teasing? That's your problem. Go on keep trying my good boy. I love seeing the desperation in your eyes as you try and fail. And try and fail again. And at the end of the video you see his disappointment when he realizes he won’t get to cum. That’s my favorite part💕

If you’re still reading this with a boner that means you’re a pervert, and you’re denied for the week as well. You can stroke and edge to my video, but no cumming allowed. You may only cum at the end of the week when I post the final video😈

1星期射精管理 - 星期一

這次我事前沒跟他說,所以他以為我玩夠了他就可以射。結果呢… 🤭🤭

今天是焦躁的挑逗 - 指甲隔著內褲刮過毫無防備的雞雞💅手指輕輕的掃過敏感的龜頭🐢 慢慢的翻覆挑逗著裏筋和尿道口😈 每一下雞雞都在抖動 肯定是很想射了吧 好可愛💕💕 最喜歡的是影片最後 他發現真的不能射的那一刻 絕望的反應💕

如果你看到這裡雞雞是硬著的 就證明你是個喜歡射精管理的變態 所以現在你已被強制加入這一週的射精管理(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) 中途可以隨便打飛機 寸止 但是絕對不允許射精🚫 到了週末我會發射精影片 這個星期要忍耐喔💕