
Tonight’s PPV is “143/You Get a Footjob Standing from Start ..

Published: February 24th 2024, 12:00:50 am

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Tonight’s PPV is “143/You Get a Footjob Standing from Start to Finish 4”.( 19mins / $45 ) One aspect of my job is thinking about my sub’s health. To give a good workout for his hamstrings, glutes, quads and core muscles, from time to time I keep him standing while he gets a footjob. First, just after my sub’s woken up, I sit on the sink and stand him in front of it. Looking at his underpants, I saw no sign of a morning glory yet. He seemed unfit. I stimulated his penis with my feet and once it got hard, I made him take it out and put it on the sink. Then I stepped on it. It might have been hard for him to get a footjob right after waking up, but this was his training. In military boot camp they keep you on your toes from the moment you wake up, and I did the right thing by taking a leaf out of their book. Check your message box at 9PM Saturday Japan time (noon Saturday GMT), and unlock to watch me put him through his paces. #Footjob #Toejob #Handjob #FootjobWhileStanding #Ejaculation #PostOrgasmPlay #CloseUpsOfSoles #CloseUpsOfToes #FixedCamera #POV 今週の動画は、"143/立ったまま、イキなさい!4 "( 19分 / $45 ) サブの健康を考えることは、主人として当たり前のことである。 ハムストリングス、大臀筋、大腿四頭筋、体幹の筋肉を鍛えるために、時々、足コキをしている間は立たせたままにしておく。まず、起きがけのサブを洗面台の前に立たせ、私はその上に座り彼をチェックする。朝勃ちは…まだのようだ。私が目覚めさせないといけないようだ。足で彼のペニスを刺激すると少し硬くなる。洗面台の上にそれを載せ、上から足で踏んだりして、より刺激を与える。 この起きてすぐのトレーニングは彼にとって厳しいものだろう。しかし、仮にこれが軍隊の新兵訓練の場であれば、目が覚めた瞬間から気を抜くことは許されないはずだ。 #足コキ #足指コキ #立ったまま足コキ #射精カウントあり #男の潮吹き #足裏のアップ #足指のアップ #固定カメラ #POV