(Runtime 46 mins) 🔥CisGender Girl Content🔥 A lot of you have been messaging me asking when I'll be posting the video with the pink haired little cutie who looks like an A.I sex doll from the future!! Well, good news... today is the day. You can catch this incredible video in its full glory right now! This was my favourite fuck in a long time, I felt myself go completely inside the soul of this girl and you can see it, the chemistry was wonderful. She has the most perfect pussy I've ever seen, one of those pussies we all dream about, one that looks like its never been touched by anyone, ever. Her pussy is so beautiful, small, bright pink like her hair and so symmetrical that it actually looks like one of those bright pink manufactured fleshlight pussies that has just come off the production line at the factory (I include some amazing close ups of my cock going in and out of it, even editing the video I had to stop and jerk off about it). So, as always I love to include how I come across the girls I shoot with and this was a very special story. As you all know, I mostly shoot with trans girls, and its probably the main reason you're all here (understandably), but every now and then I love to include some traditional pussy, if its special enough; and this girl was certainly special. I love science fiction and so one day perusing the shelves of a soho comic book store I see to my right, this absolutely tiny little thing with an incredibly eye catching pink bobbed haircut. It caught my attention immediately because she was unusual looking, not just about the hair but the way she looked, the way she behaved, she was awkward and odd. My imagination ran a little wild and In my mind as I observed her I was imagining she was an AI robot that had escaped from some secret facility where some shadowy private corporation was making extremely advanced artificially intelligent, turing test passable robots that fell into two very distinct categories 1) AI Soldier Robots and 2) AI Fuck Dolls / Girlfriends. I was having so much fun spinning this story in mind, that there had been a glitch in her neuro software that had resulted in advanced human like consciousness and independent decision making skills that surpassed the normal hum drum bots that were being spun off the production line. It had made her question the nature of her reality and existence which led her to understand there was a world outside and she had hatched a successful plan to escape from the factory and was now living in London undetected, until now... because EP knows an AI sex bot when he see's one! At this point I was brought back to reality when she looked at me and smiled nervously, was it because she knew that I knew she was a bot? Perhaps she was just thinking 'why is this weirdo staring at me in silence and smiling', anyway to de-weird the situation I said hi, and decided to tell her what just went on in my mind. she thought it was hilarious, and the ice was broken. We chatted for about 20 minutes, we covered multiple subjects, comics, tv series (of which her favourite was Westworld, which probably explains why she liked my fictional scenario about her). She was so cute, and so tiny I knew I wanted to fuck her badly. We went for coffee which was really just an excuse to continue flirting with eachother and touching each others knees and hands. We swapped numbers, and the flirting continued over the next few days via whatsapp, I eventually asked her what she would think if she met a guy who had OnlyFans. Sometimes this question is absolutely the end of conversation with a potential new sex friend, and sometimes it's the beginning... but better to know sooner rather than later. So I dropped it on her, and luckily, so very luckily she replied with 'I think it’s really hot!' and we have hung out with eachother about 5 or 6 times since, and one of those times she came over to play video games and we decided to document it in 4k HD Video for you!!
Enjoy it, its a special one!
Your Pal.