@nopaynenogain part 3: At this point, life’s taught me when something feels it’s too good to be true, it usually is. I’ve made my intentions clear with Tre that I’d like to explore our dynamic more, in and out of the bedroom. (Healthy way of saying I’d like to date, without any serious tone or commitment required). When we get together it just works so well. Also I just found out he’s 20. Which is an extremely red flag for me. I find even when someone that age may display a mature outlook and demeanor, where it comes down to is how they act when they don’t get their way. Usually guys I’ve met around this age who feel mature to me usually have the worst coping methods and conflict resolution skills. Yea, it’s easy to get along when everything’s going their way, but what happens when you don’t get your way? Show me your crazy. That’s when I’ll know if this is something I want to invest in. I was going to charge for this series but I wanted to share this moment with you guys, tips are appreciated tho 💕