
This song is your jam and always reminds me of you. I miss t..

Published: May 17th 2022, 6:21:10 am


This song is your jam and always reminds me of you. I miss the version of you I fell in love with. I remember before your shows you putting on music and picking out outfits. Asking me which tie would match your sequin blazer better. Watching you take the stage and just make it your bitch. You were a rock star to me. My hero. I looked up to you. But the version of you I loved, was never something I got to experience first hand. I saw it through the screen on my phone. I saw it through the smiles from those close to you that you let in. I was happy someone got that, even if it wasn’t me. I wish I could have been closer to you. But that wasn’t for me. I hope you’re happy. I wish for you what I wish for myself. Love and happiness.