When the BLM movement started I didn’t get it. Ignorant whit..
Published: March 24th 2022, 6:02:52 am
When the BLM movement started I didn’t get it. Ignorant white boy thought ALL LIVES MATTER, and this is true, all lives do matter. But not all lives are being treated like they matter. I didn’t get this. It was through asking a lot of questions and trying to understand, attending ONYX meetings(which is a group for POC), to better understand, talking with friends, and shifting my perspective on things. Growth. I went from years ago not understanding to understanding. I know others can do that too. No one is more aware of privilege more than those without it so if you’re white and don’t get it, that’s understandable. But it’s not ok to stay there. You were raised in a way where you can’t see it, that’s not your fault, but it’s your responsibility to educate yourself. And as a white person I learned the best way I can be an ally is helping educate other white people. People are more likely to listen to you from within your own community. It’s up to us to fix what’s going on from within.
I got upset with a friend today who took this too lightly and thought it was a joke. It was hard to educate when I was so upset with them. I didn’t handle it well. It’s hard to be patient when someone is laughing at something that matters to you. I hope moving forward I’ll be able to be better at handling things like that. And I hope we can all do our part by correcting these things in the moment when they arise and not letting those opportunities pass us by.