
I would like to address all the negativity from a few member..

Published: July 27th 2021, 5:32:02 pm


I would like to address all the negativity from a few members on my Fuck-a-Fan posts!! If you think this was a way of me scamming you then you really need to think things through a bit more. I was trying to give back to my fans with a fun way of having a personal interaction with me, navigating this with the winner, who could potentially be anywhere in the world, along with testing for all STIs an Covid, arranging a time where both our schedules align, plus have you even considered what our winner does for a living?! Maybe he can’t or doesn’t want to be filmed?! Calling me out to be a fraud while I try to protect the identity of my fans whilst delivering a once in a lifetime prize. Then people wonder why I don’t bother running these types of competitions! They are hard work to organise (especially during a global pandemic) people call me a liar an a scammer, an truth be told the money it raised was less than my day rate for a porn scene! The winner and me still haven’t met up but are talking every week if not every few days, the winner is still hesitant to being on film due to some recognisable tattoos and his work. We will arrange our prize session, if it’s filmed or not will be up to the winner as I said on the original draw post! So if you want to get all shitty, call me a scammer or a cash grabber, please try think about the amount of effort it takes to try keep everyone here happy. I try my best, if that’s not good enough… don’t follow me!