Here are some of my favorite bath tub scenes over the last 2 years! Tip this post any amount if you'd like to help me raise money to buy a bath tub! Sadly I have just a tiny little stall shower that is 32" each direction... it is so tiny I can't even lift my legs to shave in it! Why did anyone create such a thing?! Anyways, I rent this tiny cottage on my rented horse ranch and the landlords aren't interested in remodeling the bathroom to make space for a bathtub, so I've decided to buy one of those Vintage clawfoot tubs outside and lucky for me the barn horse wash stall had a hot water hose that actually will reach to where I want to put my outdoor tub in my little side yard which is delightfully private! Anyways, id really appreciate it, and I would make SO MANY Bathing Beauty scrub a rub a dub rub videos to enthrall you with my gratitude. 😁 I have often tried to save for one but always get hit with Vet and hay bills... It would be so lovely to have a fund just for a bath tub! Just thought I'd put it out there!