I was going to create a whole other page called "SexyNerd" where I was going to post videos having intellectual conversations and reading excerpts for different books. This page was for those who like looking at me naked and in sexy outfits and also like to hear me talk and pick my brain.
However, I'm so busy and don't think I want to create another page right now. So for now, I will just sell the videos here for those who want them. This is 2 minute excerpt from a 16 minute video where I am reading and talking about the ancient legacy of Yoni Worship and the Sheela Na Gig's throughout the world. If you want the full video hit my inbox. I will sell the videos through this site and you will not need to be a part of my VIP. These videos will range from $7-$10 each. This one is $7.
Ask for "SheilaNaGig" if you want to purchase this video.