Published: November 4th 2024, 5:41:23 pm
Happy MILF MONDAY pervs!
Sorry for my absence since Thursday but Im typically unavailable weekends as it is. I've had 1 sick gremlin since Halloween which turned into 2 more sick gremlins (and me!) in the last 24hrs including 102 fever for my youngest and first time having a bad illness like this 🥲 As you can imagine I got ZERO sleep last night and I have to commute an hr into town (and back) to go get sick supplies so my youngest gremlin can sleep better tonight (and me too!) because this small town sucks and doesn't have diddly.... 🙄 doesn't mean I didn't take my only opportunity to make a few pervy things for you guys today - it IS MILF Monday after all 🥰 Not looking too bad for virtually no sleep and being sick huh? its that mommy magic 🪄😅