Here's a bunch of cool self-portraits I took <3
Thanks so m..
Published: January 27th 2024, 6:50:22 am
Here's a bunch of cool self-portraits I took <3
Thanks so much for supporting my creative journey! If you did not know, I am an artist. I draw, sing, paint, dance, take photos, and I make videos. One day you may know who I truly am- If I ever find that out myself.
I am mentally ill. I am disabled. I don't talk too much about this publicly. I used to chronically think everyone hated me. I'm not sure how that changed? The reason I'm saying this is I am so grateful for your admiration, your support. I am wanting to expand what I do as an artist, to speak about and engage with sexuality, and to help other women do what I'm doing.
I started my original onlyfans account as to share artwork, and I was very sweetly invited by dozens of comments to burp more on tiktok so I made burp-only stuff. I smile for the camera, and I want to bring joy into your life! I spend a lot of time playing alone, usually happily and giggling. But I am also an angry and sad person- last year felt impossible, and yet I made it!