Greedy Feedee Boss 2: Just Desserts
Ever since your boss confronted you about your feeder urges, you’ve been showering her with treats and snacks daily, and it shows! She’s so impressed with your performance that she calls you in for a meeting: You earned a promotion!! She invites you to a party at her house to celebrate, and you don’t know what to expect, but you bring cheesecake because she’s always hungry. When you arrive, you’re surprised to find you and her are the only ones there, and she’s in a very skimpy teddy waiting for you. She begins eating the cheesecake, flirting with you more openly than she ever has at work, even burping right in your face! She noticed you enjoy her burps and likes turning you on. Halfway through the cheesecake, she invites you to come rub her belly and feed her the rest, then clarifies that it’s not a request but a command. You will feed her, and make her so much bigger than she is now that today will look like a before pic!!