Hello Everyone, not sure how many of you will read this, I j..
Published: March 2nd 2023, 7:47:58 am

Hello Everyone, not sure how many of you will read this, I just wanted to reach out to all of you who follow me and have have followed me on my path to finding forgiveness through the lord and Jesus Christ
Last night around 6:20pm my grandma went to heaven
She was diagnosed with lung cancer & began radiation treatments which put her into the ICU on life support 81 years old she would have been 82 on March 19th
My grandmother had a breathing tube down her throat that was breathing for her she was unable to speak
But was VERY alert and conscious of everything that was going on around her considering all of the medication they had her on to help with the comfort of being in life support
It hurts me to say my family had to make a decision for her in order to take her off or keep her on to see if she would improve
My family was informed by the doctor that her kidney was failing and that her heart medication and breathing tube is what was keeping her alive
They basically had a hard conversation with us that it was time to let her go and that even if she did show signs of improvement she would most likely be on the breathing machine and the kidney failure would cause heart problems
We decided ultimately we didn’t want to see her in that sort of pain and the best decision was to take the tube out and hope for the best
We all watched her die instantly (2-4minutes probably) of taking the tube out
I saw her vitals on the screen keep going down until they all eventually reached 0
Then the doctor came in and turned off the tv screen that had her vitals on them and the nurses listened for a heartbeat and officially pronounced her dead
This is the hardest thing I have ever had to decide in my life but ultimately I know she is in a better place now with God and he is the almighty omega and alpha he is the greatest highest power and he healed her in heaven
My mother received a text message stating that my grandmother was healed this evening in heaven and she is with God now waiting for the rest of us to join her
God is so good
He revealed himself to me last year through my grandmother and she is the reason I believe in God
God is so good the more and more I see even after the death of my grandmother which I was very close to the more and more I see the greatness and the power and mercy of God
We had the hospital Chaplin come in and say a prayer over my grandmother just before removing the tube
I asked her to say the sinners prayer over my grandmother as well
Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.
The Chaplin played my grandmother’s favorite songs that I recognized a few from church & I could see my grandmother trying to sing along even though she had a tube down her throat
The point of all of this message is I’m a sinner just like everyone else on this earth and I want all of you to know that God has forgiven me and he will forgive you as well
I have an amazing testimony related to working in the sex industry selling nudes and porn and even starting sex for money the past years to pay my bills
I have had a very deep connection with God my entire life and I always fall away from him but he ALWAYS takes me back in and forgives
John 3:16 ”For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
My grandma died during kidney cancer removal a couple years ago and God revealed himself to me through her
They were able to bring her back from the dead a few times
She is living eternity with God now and I’m relieved she is no longer in pain
She mentioned to me (while I was an only fan’s creator at this very time living a carefree life and no need to worry about money except for the constant work I had to do on my phone to keep this account profitable) anyway she mentioned that there is a heaven and there is a hell and she saw the angels fanning her and she saw felt her spirit levitating towards heaven & remembered that the devil tried to convince her to jump into the lake of fire and she kept saying no then God told her it’s not your time and sent her back to earth
She recovered from the first time she was on life support but this time was her time to go
I had asked her when I was little to reveal to me after she dies what actually happens to us after we die
Well so was able to do so after coming back to life from the first life support experience
But this one was her time
She is with God now
And this is the hardest and closest loss I have ever dealt with in my life and I pray thanking God that he is so good
God is good and money is the root to all evil
I can testify to this
My grandma didn’t live a rich luxurious life but she had love God is love God is good God is life
He breathed his breath in all us
I often struggled with my purpose in life but didn’t realize until recently that’s what I was missing
I was missing what my purpose in life actually is
And it’s the same as all of you
The reason we were put here on earth in the first place by God was to have a relationship with him
My relationship with God I hope continues to grow everyday as I keep finding more and more reasons to trust God and love him
Yes my grandma isn’t here anymore on earth
But God is so good and she is in a better place
Can you imagine? I can’t even imagine what that’s like
God is so mighty and good I can’t even begin to imagine being in his presence face to face
I am heart broken to watch my grandma fade away but I’m glad she is with God now
If you have lost a loved one and can relate to this heartbreaking journey I’m going on the next years of my life without my grandma please say a prayer to God because I told me sister if you want to talk to nana (grandma) you talk to God and he is with her
I love sharing my story with all of you because I’m sure you can relate to always having this moral compass inside of you to know right from wrong and I did to and that’s why I came to Jesus
Thank you God and thank you Grandma for always being a role model to me
She didn’t have the biggest house or the biggest family but she had the biggest heart and the biggest shoes to fill as I grow up and have my own children one day
I pray to God my mother and I and my sister and the rest of my family with all come together closely and celebrate the life she lived because she definitely left a mark on my heart and I will never forget that
Thank you for taking the time to read this and as always
Just Pray 🙏🏻