
I want to share my testimony because I’m just like all of yo..

Published: July 18th 2021, 3:42:56 am


I want to share my testimony because I’m just like all of you I was a sinner I am 23 years old I started stripping as soon as I turned 18 years old I grew up in a lower class family & wanted to get $$ like I saw all my friends have I started stripping & then I eventually started to have sex with guys for money, I went to college and just graduated All four years of college I used my body to pay my rent and buy groceries because my parents couldn’t even afford to buy their own groceries I couldn’t ask for money from anyone in my family & going to college full time it didn’t make sense in my head at that time to work full time as well, I eventually stopped stripping & was making enough money other ways, I would trick men into thinking they were my boyfriend and they would pay my rent & give me really nice gifts while at the same time I had 4 other guys at that same apartment, I eventually lost all of that when they found out and had to resort back to having sex for money, I am not proud of my past but I just wanted to share that with you so you know that I am not perfect no one here on this earth is perfect, and that is because of sin, Adam and Eve sinned and God warned them if they ate the apple they shall surely die, thank you Jesus that I a sinner am able to be forgiven for my sins & enter the kingdom of God by believing in him, Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” God revealed himself to me through my grandmother. I know he is real and there is no possible explanation that makes sense for why we are here on earth other than God. For those of you who believe in the big bang theory just ask yourself how did that happen if there was no higher power to create matter which created the big bang Everyone knows deep down that there is a God Satan tries to trick you just like he tricked Adam and Eve And he’s trying to trick us as well by trying to make us all think that God is not real I have so much faith that I gave up a platform that I was using to make money here on only fans in order to start living for God I was born again and you can be too and you could be forgiven of all your sins and start a new life Some of you that are content creators on here may feel that you are in a strong cold and that there is no other way to make money But I’m telling you there is I graduated from college and I’m not using that degree because there’s so much more money to be made elsewhere that does not require a degree. You can only do this for so long and I’m sure most of you are having problems with your boyfriend or husband And if you are a guy on this platform I’m sure you are having problems with your girlfriend or wife or maybe you just don’t have a significant other but I will tell you that this website is full of sin and I’m here to tell you about Jesus Christ and what he has done for us and how you can be safe just like I was God revealed himself to me through my grandmother I had asked her years ago whenever she had just got out of the hospital because she had severe health problems And I asked her grandma can you please tell me what happens after death I know you will be dead but can you please just send me a sign somehow Years later I forget about me even asking her that I graduate from college and she goes to my graduation party and then I visit her house a few days later after my graduation party and she asked me do you remember that time that you asked me to tell you what happens after death? I replied yes She continued to say well do you remember that time that I was in the hospital when I had kidney cancer and die got put on life-support (She had died during her surgery of them trying to remove the cancer) I replied yes I remember that very clearly I remember crying my eyes out because I remember that tube being down your throat when I saw you in the hospital you were dead you were not able to respond you were not able to even hear me She responded yes I died And I had an experience I remember being raised up out of my body and I just kept feeling myself being lifted and lifted and then I saw a man with a red face telling me to jump into what looked like a red pool Then I remember seeing the angels and a man told me it is not my Time to go in the angel started fanning me and I started to be lifted up again and again and then I remember the next thing was that I was at the hospital and I asked the doctors am I on earth? I started bawling my eyes out because in this very moment when she told me that I knew it was God revealing himself to me It is not only this reason that I believe God is real I know he is and I know that he sent his ONLY son Jesus Christ here to earth to save everyone from their sins because God does love us and he wants us to be with him eternally No matter what your sin God loves you and he will forgive you He created this world and if you can imagine how a dad loves his kids it’s even more Love coming from God who created us I think God every day for sending Jesus to earth to die for our sins he gave the ultimate sacrifice and I pray for each and everyone of you on here that you will be able to except Jesus Christ as your savior and repent of your sins and be born again If you’re reading this I urge you to go to church tomorrow and ask any questions that you may have on your heart. Although preachers do not know everything if you invite the Lord into your life he will give you signs through other people which will strengthen your faith I had over 8000 followers on here when I decided to give my life to the Lord I did not have to work a job all I had to do was take pictures and post them on the Internet and now I do not regret giving up my life for this new life and for the promise of eternal life with a God I do believe that he is coming back for his people very soon and I am praying that each and everyone of you are able to ask for forgiveness and repent of your sins and come to know Jesus Christ if you don’t believe he’s real just ask him to reveal himself to you and he will do it just like he did me I did not even ask him to reveal himself to me but I’m glad he did Jesus loves you God loves you You are not alone John 3:16 is my favorite verse because I was a sinner & Jesus saved me