
FITNESS INFO: REAL DEAL! RAW TRUTHS. Since I was 20 years o..

Published: October 22nd 2020, 7:59:39 am

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Since I was 20 years old (that’s 26yrs) I have worked with only the best coaches and athletes in the fitness industry & in the world!
New Zealand, USA & Australia! I’m blessed to be friends and to have been under the guidance of these amazing people.

I myself am a retired competitive athlete and have personally assisted many people over the years with the knowledge I have to, get their bodies into the best condition of their lives, and maintain it.

BUT I can’t coach myself!
I’ll cheat on myself and so I need a pro I respect and trust to tell me what to do!
That I report to & I do NOT want to let down!

Like everyone I’ve had my ups and downs but have always been able to overcome those downs and achieve incredible results with determination and resilience every time!

My biggest ‘body’ challenge to date was after my 2nd birth, I got up to 125kg (275lbs) at 5’7 that’s a BIG MOMMA!!! It took 4yrs to battle and beat this one!!! I lost 65kg (143lbs) AND KEPT IT OFF!!!

I’m sure you’ll all agree, 2020 has been a right doozy! A smack in the head! The guts! The heart and lives for many!

So many things taken out of our control, our lives spinning and as an after affect many of us have not taken great care of ourselves!
Truthfully, I’m one of those!

Due to Covid and the travel restrictions, I personally have been unable to travel for my work as I have done full time the past 10yrs!
In fact I have been unable to work, since March!
Onlyfans is my sole source of income until I can travel again and film again overseas. I care for 7 others solely during this period!
(I know many of you relate & why I’m sharing such personal info).

This is another reason I’m always here and available and •seriously grateful for you all!!!

I drank alcohol for the very first time in my life this year! AND was hooked immediately! (NO LIE, not even a drop in 45years).
Then 9 weeks ago we were in a horrific accident (the police & news called it apocalyptic)!
Now Suffering from some pretty severe PTSD
I have just continued daily on our travels. Filming, chatting to you all, doing my best to be 💯 for everyone!
But the new added alcohol to the diet started to add calories. (Thankfully I’m high functioning, so still up at 6am daily with no hangovers) BUT
to get ripped I gotta give it the kick!
Cortisol levels out of control
And next minute

“No girl, you got THICKKKK”!
Now thick OR heavy is no problem, if YOU are happy with that!

At 46 I cannot afford to let my shit go now or it’s that much harder to reverse. And some damage possibly, impossible to reverse.

My point for telling you all this is!
I know how to do this and have the people to assist! I’ve done it.

Regardless of what it seems, I live a real life, with my own challenges and I don’t get surgery to fix shit!!! FYI my face is mine, including my nose lol!

I’m sure many of you, relate!
And like me, many of you need a kick in the ass to get your shit sorted and take charge of something you can control.
None of us want to look & feel like crap on top of everything else! And amazing enough when you take care of yourself, other things in life fall into place & improve also.

If you want in now! Let me know!
YES there is a cost (like everything).
I don’t get this free or for a discounted rate.
We pay for what we get!

If you’re not sure, seen the fads & schemes.
Watch over the next 2 weeks to see as my results unfold!
In that time you’ll see how I have to meal prep on the road.
Train on the road without a gym to start.
Overcome some addictions (sugar free energy drinks, protein bars and 🤦🏽‍♀️ Alcohol).
Learn to like water again.
And seriously get my shit together and commit!

THEN you let me know!