
NOTICE: Hi everyone. Many of you are asking about and waiti..

Published: February 17th 2022, 2:34:48 am


NOTICE: Hi everyone.
Many of you are asking about and waiting to see my new pro scenes and content that I came to USA to film. Typically in a 3mo period I would have shot 60+ pro scenes. And had planned 100+ Content scenes.
You may have noticed I have been a lot less active than usual.

I have actually spent the first 3wks with catching up with friends and family (my daughter and son in law) that i have not seen for 2.5yrs because of covid and being stuck in Australia.
Then unfortunately I tested positive for Covid. Obviously I cannot be with friends or shoot while testing positive. Sadly you can test positive for up to 3mos even if you no longer have it. I finally got the clear. BUT only leaving me 3wks to shoot. I shot 3pro scenes in Miami which was AWESOME to be able to finally shoot again.

I have not said anything publicaly but I was in an accident whilst in Miami.
I was in the backseat of a car and did not wear my seatbelt.
Due to a very abrupt stop my face went into the back headrest, which had a tv screen and I have broken my left lower orbital bone and my left eye has hemmoraged. You will notice I am wearing a lot of BIG colored glasses if I post real time at the moment to cover the marks.

Sadly, I have had to cancel all of my pro scenes for this week, including Brazzers and more top productions. I am not going to lie, this has been devastating and I have struggled to not get depressed and stay motivated.
Only production houses, a few friends and family are aware of this as I do not like to broadcast bad news. No one wants to hear bad news, especially when your here to feel good!

I am doing all I can to heal quickly, but I am not healing as fast as I used to.
I am hoping if my eye clears up I will be able to shoot in a few days time, and just cover the bruising with makeup.

In the meantime am going through my cloud drives to see what I can bring to you till I can shoot again.
Sadly, I only have 9 days left in USA.

Onlyfans has been my only source of income for 2yrs. I am grateful to all of you for your support and love.
Honestly, if there was ever a time I need you and your support the most it's now.

I am hoping to raise enough money to get more treatment for my recovery and to travel not too far from USA for a few weeks (once my current visa is up) so other pornstars and content creators can travel to see me and shoot with me/us as easy and quickly as possible.

Any questions shoot me a DM.

I will be back in full swing as fast as I can!
In the meantime, when not travelling, I am still here to chat and play and send you all I can to keep you hard and horny in the meantime.

Love you all xxx