
Secret Santa [Part 2] I stared out the window pane, watchin..

Published: December 28th 2021, 4:32:14 am


Secret Santa [Part 2] I stared out the window pane, watching my colleague walk away. Part of me was tempted to call him back and get him to sit in as a watcher, that'd definitely shatter his spirit. I'm not a mirthless soul though, but it did excite me slightly at the thought of getting someone to watch me do all these lewd acts running through my mind. Staring back at my reflection, my hands started to glide around my being, my thoughts overtaking all reason. I mewled like a cat in heat, observing myself as my forbidden areas earned waves of pleasure. A grope on my breasts elicited a sigh; a pinch on my nipples, a moan; a twist, a groan. Through hazy eyes I watched my fingers creep towards my pussy, drawing the length of it and making me shiver in delight as I spread my folds open. Lazy circles caused me to squirm and gradually I could feel a familiar knot in my stomach. My fingers curled, ready to dive deep and reach the highlight of this orgasmic orchestra. It was at this moment you decided to shudder awake, and I chewed my lips in an attempt to soften my music. However, if I hadn't already noticed it before, I certainly was now. As my eyes travelled your body and consumed every inch of skin available, and finally fell on your cock, erect in it's glory and big was a definite understatement. Mesmerized by it, I plunged my digits with fast and deep strokes, imagining you pounding me to oblivion. I had to do everything I could to stop myself from screaming out in delight, wrapping a hand around my throat myself as a final attempt and it was the best decision I've made thus far. The impact from my orgasm caused me to stiffen and push the office chair into your desk, causing quite a bang. Your head groggily perked towards my direction, unseeing however due to your blindfold. It took me a while to catch my breath, and everything I could to even stand. My legs felt like jelly, but it was so worth it. I quickly surveyed my endeavour; the seat of the office chair and the carpeted floor splattered with my juices. However, something piqued my interest, and as I picked up the small sheet of paper and read the name, my fatigue immediately vanished. Paper in hand, I wheeled the office chair opposite you, my time limited before you fully arose from your slumber. Kneeling in front of you, I gave a long slow lick along your shaft, earning another bout of shudders. Your speech still slurry, I continued this over and over, peppering light kisses ever so often. I stared at you, mouth agape yet nothing constructive forming, and so I consumed the head of your cock. You were so thick I could barely manage the effort, but this got you to full attention and you struggled against your restraints. Your cock drove deeper into my orifice, but I was prepared for this and so I took it. Ever so slowly, I pulled away, dragging my teeth over your length, and with a loud pop, released your buddy, earning a sharp gasp from you. I then waited, as you fought against the restraints pinning you to your chair, you quickly settled your nerves though. "W-who-who's there?" Such an admirable attempt at composing yourself. To answer your question, I traced my finger against your chin, realization dawning upon you. "A-Angelle?!" I giggled softly. Yes, the same name as in the paper I was holding, you were my secret santa, and it was truly God's gift to bless us with a miracle such as this. I was here however, to play a different game. After tracing that sweet chiseled chin of yours, and squished your cheeks together, having you to face me. "Merry Christmas, boss" I purred. "What's the meaning of this Angel-" Oh how quickly you found your voice, your charisma swooning me all over again; my slap quickly dealt with your possible questions. Shock now sprawled across your face, you stared agape towards the floor. Clearly getting nowhere with this, I grabbed your hair once more and smothered it against my pussy. With you conscious now, I grinded roughly against your features, coating your face with my juices. You sputtered, unable to breathe but still made the conscious effort to dart your tongue out in an attempt to heighten my pleasure. My head flew back momentarily, having the soft flesh of your tongue entertaining me, but you were not to enjoy this as much. Throwing your head back and pulling myself away, I took a breath to calm myself before staring at your huffing figure. Drawing up the office chair, I waited for you to compose yourself once more. Your head lolled back, I strutted towards you and gave your cock a strong grip and tugged hard. This brought you back to your senses as your head lurched forward. "Angelle you-" Another slap followed. Wincing against the pain, you hung your head, nicely over the office chair. I shoved your head closer, towards the small pool that had formed earlier. "What're you-" I raised my hand, poised to strike but he had stopped himself. He sniffed the office chair, smell enhanced by his loss of sight. Surprisingly before I could dunk his head into the pool of my juices, he had begun lapping it up. The smell of my juices had you craving for more, and thus was the start of you wrapping around my finger. "Good boy" I cooed, lightly stroking your hair. Gently, I guided you to clean your chair of my juices, receiving thanks every now and then. But it was not enough, there was one last push I needed before I was satisfied with my submission of a gift. Finishing the clean up, I pushed the office chair back to its place. I smirked at the next step of action as I waltzed back, placing a hand on your stiff cock and stroked your length, earning a hum of pleasure. I could hear your breath getting ragged, lowering an octane from your lust of me. "Ange-" I immediately removed my hand and gave you another hit. It was then an ensuing cycle followed; a lick or suck of your nipple or your cock, a kiss on your lips or your erect head. Hell with the chair you're in having lower back access, I managed to have access to your asshole and licked it. Rinse and repeat this cycle, with you earning a slap for each attempt at calling my name as I would tease every inch of skin I could reach available at my disposal. At times, I awarded your restraint by letting you play with parts with my body. I sighed as time flew, your desire for me was growing, your cock twitching for release. What I found interesting though was your willingness as I played with your ass. You naughty boy, I filed this knowledge away for future reference. However you still hadn't muttered the words I wanted to hear. What must have felt like eons passed and I was beginning to get desperate. I needed to hear that word, to complete this experiment. In my desperation, I stood over your manhood and lowered myself onto him. Guiding him into my folds, I only allowed your head to enter my sacred garden, peeking at the wonders beyond. It was an awkward position and my legs were beginning to feel tired, but that was when my efforts bore fruit. You buckled your hips first, allowing more than just your tip in. Angered by your resistance, my hands immediately grasped your throat, the process having took a toll on me as well. "Do that again and I'll leave you in this chair, your orgasm withheld till God knows when!" My eyes sizzled into him, still unaware past the blindfold. Yet I believed he could feel the ire, and tears streamed slowly down his cheeks. "I'm sorry mistress, don't leave me" The shock from your statement made my legs give way and I fell upon your proud manhood, taking you fully in. I gasped for air, unable to speak as I accepted your thickness. My hands clawed against your chest, leaving deep marks. I could feel myself getting limp, new heights of pleasure soaring through me. My efforts finally paid off, I now had you wrapped around my little finger, what a divine gift blessed with such a tool. With this realization, I pushed myself off before my body gave up on me, crawling against the floor.