Published: December 5th 2024, 9:13:17 am
(Be civil this not for pornography this is for fashion design. I only wanted to show you what I made.. the garment.. the clothes. Not me. If people can't be civil and see the art, I will find and wear a full body alien suit or zentai suit or just put it on over the top of a full blown dress. Do not make me do it. I don't want to have to do it.) Vid clip from June or July. Raw audio cause I was not going to stay sane trying to find audio to go over it. Just mute it if you don't like it. It's Michelle McDaniel talking about the irony in how ppl act with the body pos movements ironically lol.
By the time I was recording this one.. I had just got done recording all of the previous ones, AND the dresses you just seen. I was very tired. I already had low hopes and high suspicion that people would ignore my garments and just look for jack off fuel so I had enough emotions drained out of me and also my disabled body just had enough by then. Pardon me.. but.. here is the pink glitter and white version of the zebra bikini from before. I had to make it a sister or opposite aesthetic, since I have not touched the pink glitter yet. I had to put it to use for once, at LEAST once! I love how it turned out, despite my huge drained energy vibe. The garment itself turned out very nice. Again, with my symbolism of Zebra Print.. the irony.. as my Zebra Disease (EDS's little nickname) started to kick my ass lollll.
Thank you, once again, for buying me fabric and vinyl and dye to make all of these things for you! Sorry it took a while to post. ADHD is one hell of a dsiability. If you would like, for this holiday season, I would like to try to make more things if I can. This is the most stressful depressing time of the year for me. Any distraction would help. But, thank you, still! You helped me make this.