
(Be civil this not for pornography this is for fashion desig..

Published: December 5th 2024, 8:39:53 am


(Be civil this not for pornography this is for fashion design. I only wanted to show you what I made.. the garment.. the clothes. Not me. If people can't be civil and see the art, I will find a wear a full body alien suit or zentai suit or just put it on over the top of a full blown dress. Do not make me do it.) Vid clip from June or July. Raw audio cause I was not going to stay sane trying to find audio to go over it. Just mute it if you don't like it. It's Michelle McDaniel talking about the irony in how ppl act with the body pos movements ironically lol.

This is another square one that I made. I always wanted a gradient thing to have. I love gradients so much and they're so rare in the fashion industry, so I have to implement one myself and see what it was like. I had one bikini before with a gradient but it was done wrong so here I go making one done right! Peachy! No.. I do not have a peach on me. I don't think I want one. The attention would be negative, if I had one. So.. I put a few peach charms, since I have not made anything with charms yet, but it's SO CUTE!!! The fact the peach charms are gradients, too, is just icing on the cake! If anything, the cute charms can make up for the square shape that we know can be unflattering on natural slumpy bodies! Hurray for gradients and peach charms!