Published: December 8th 2022, 4:02:02 am
OL is on a daily business trip and commuting~~ OL日常出差通勤中~~
OL’s daily business trip outfit~~ This top seems a bit too plain😅😅 OL日常出差裝扮~~ 這件上衣似乎有點太素了😅😅
Random photos taken while on a business trip~~ Fans like what I usually wear when going to work or on business trips?? 出差途中隨手拍~~ 粉絲們喜歡我平常上班跟出差時怎麼穿呢??
Let's take it easy today... Secretly taking selfies during business trips and commuting~~ 今天來個清淡一點的... 出差通勤中偷偷的自拍~~