

Published: March 1st 2023, 6:05:52 am

worthlessholes image #0

Happy March! Not only is spring upon us (in the Northern hemisphere) but a new month also means a new auto-renew exclusive video! It's ready to go for all subscriptions (every tier) and you'll get it sent to your inbox automatically upon renewal! Well, you might have seen my last post where I recorded 10 minutes in the bathroom stall at work that has me absolutely destroying my cunt with a water bottle. I wasn't sure if I was going to post it at all, but decided to make it the exclusive this month — the longest one I've done yet. IF you missed last month's where I aggressively toy my peehole with a buttplug and my asshole pushes out for any reason, you can buy it right now in this message *one time only,* but I definitely don't want you to miss next month's included with your subscription. Make sure you've got auto-renew enabled! ❤️ Other update, I've got a new SquarePegToys plug coming this weekend so I can finally get back to 24/7 anal plugging which will let me ramp up my ass content immensely. Just in time for the 13" circumference Pig-Hole Squeal FF that is also coming this weekend. It might actually kill me, but we'll just have to see. lol. — WH

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