
wepegyourpardon | Page 7

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**PSA** We have some bad news that we've been sitting on for a while because we thought we would manage to work around it and we didn't want to bring it up to you guys. As some of you might remember, James and I used to live in a long distance relationship for the longest time of our relationship until roughly last year when he had the opportunity to move to the same country and city as me. However my working situation always had a big question mark on it, as I was just finishing university and didn't know where I would get a job and we thought the worst thing that could happen is that I wouldn't get a placement straight away and would just work in retail in the city center for a while to kill some time. It didn't cross our minds that I could possibly get my placement at the furthest border of the county with James stuck without a car at the center of it... Long story short, I don't want to moan too much even though endless tears have already been shed as you can imagine. I had to move into a new place of my own there, set it up and everything and it's okay... There is absolutely no denying that I feel devastated and that all of this is very unfair, but it is what it is and this is adulthood - I suppose. Some of you might wonder: so what? What does that have to do with this page and why are you writing this here? Some of you might not even have made it to the bottom of this post but... Really, I just couldn't keep it a secret any more as it's wearing me down more and more every day and we are desperately trying to make some time for us and some time to create content but it's hard because James works on the weekends while I work during the weekdays which only leaves us with a couple of hours on the weekends before I drive back here. Rest assured that we are going to try our hardest to keep the quality and frequency of content coming, but all we ask is that you please have a little bit more patience should we be not able to film something brand new every week ❀️ tl;dr: James and I are in a middle distance r


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