Oh goodness. So we purchased our home from Italy, so that what when we got here we had a place to call home!
The only issue is it’s filthy. I’m so overwhelmed. I don’t know how no one said just how bad this was. I’m so tired from traveling & not being adjusted yet & so overwhelmed.
I am asking for patience, understanding, & above all else grace.
I just don’t understand how the realtor that LISTED the home showed it like this.
I don’t think the prior owners cleaned at all!!!
I am waist deep in cleaning supplies & I need to hire a whole company.
If anyone wants to send me a welcome home housewarming tip, I’d be so grateful because I know the cleaning is going to cost me hundreds.
I’m totally overwhelmed & a little upset but my home IS beautiful. It is everything I ever wanted.
It just needs my loving, caring touch.
Please please bear with me guys. I’m trying so hard to take care of my house, my family, & my self while also having no household goods yet. They should be delivered in mid July god willing!
Pray for me? 😔
Also I don’t tell you this to give you drama on my feed, I tell you so you know why I am MIA. I don’t want to be. I have to be. 😩😭