On my knees, waiting for your sticky cum to fill my mouth~ wearing only pasties and drool ❤️
Important reminder please read - I’m going to be selling all of my videos I have recorded as customs over the past year, every 2-3 days. Please be careful to not rebuy videos you might’ve already brought previously on my Onlyfans (as I obviously will still be selling there too), or if you buy your own custom, again! I have asked people many times if you guys would like me to resell customs, and mass majority always answered yes, no one messaged me about not wishing for their custom to be resold. Any customs with names mentioned will have names cropped out! There’s nothing I can do if you rebuy a video, I have mentioned/warned many times and it will be your fault. 😔 again like previously mentioned, if you do not wish your custom to be resold later down the line, please message me and notify me!
Some of my best content has been recorded as customs and I would love to resell them and have others enjoy them too ❤️