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HAPPY 5TH YEAR Porniversary to me 💕 Five years ago today I made SnakeySmut with the intention of doing nothing more than writing and getting some really erotic ideas out of my noodle. Then someone suggested recording and despite thinking it was silly for me to try I thought it might be fun, so I did it. It was fun. A lot of fun. something that started as pure hobby turned into something I loved to do SO MUCH. through support from all of you and friends and family I made this my job!!! I get to wake up every single day and do something that makes me happy. I don't hate going to work. I don't feel like I'm wasting away. I feel like I'm LIVING LIFE. did you know the roman numeral for five is V ? so quite literally my V year anniversary is made for me. it's Victoria year! not to get mystical about everything but it feels too witchy not to. I was awarded a cammy in February this year for ASMR performer of the year. I've hit SO many goals in 2024 and I continue to knock out new ones every month. I feel like I get better and better at my craft. I never stop trying to learn or better myself. I was able to go full in on hiring editors and artists this year, THANKS TO ALL OF YOU! ALMOST 25k on the hub, closing in on 10 mil views. I started streaming. I decided to start Vtubing and SO much more. If you would've told me five years ago today that this is where I'd be I would've laughed at you in the face and been like "suuuuuure". but look at me! I'm here! I've been able to do SO many amazing things and be a part of some incredible stuff. and I couldn't have done it without the support from you guys ♡ today is extremely emotional for me because of how life changing this experience has been and continues to be. I went from recording on my phone, in one take because I didn't know how to edit, in a closet covered in my comforter to now.  idk but that is just mind blowing to me. I've come a REALLY long way and I've done it all myself. I made this what it is. hard work, sweat and LOTS of tears. just lil ol' me 💕 #fyp


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