
saorikiyomi | Page 6

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Hi everyone! I have a huge and exciting announcement to make!! There will be NO PPV going forward starting today for all my subscribers going forward!! Here is some FAQ about what’s changed! 

 1. Why no more PPVs?
 I want to share my content with as many fans as possible going forward! I find some of my content were really good but a lot of the fans don’t get to see it since its behind paywall. Well, now the paywall is no longer there and I will offer the best value for you guys going forward!!πŸ’• 

2. Will there be a price increase on the subscription?
 NO. the price of my sub will remain the same! $15 per month, no additional cost what so ever! πŸ™Œ 
3. Will the contents change going forward?
 YES in a good way! I will start to post more explicit content on the timeline such as UNCENSORED B/G contents, toy play, BJ, and soon nudes!! All for a low price of $15 per month!πŸ™ˆ 

4. Any contents via DM?
 YES! The most explicit content and full length vids will be sent via DM to those with RENEW ON ONLY! The reason behind this is that I want to reward those who support me on a consistent basis the most! πŸ™Œ 

5. If I joined late can I get access to content sent previously to renew on?
 YES! if you joined after the RENEW ON content has been sent out via DM, you can purchase them separately via tips! I will usually state it in the post! If you want to get ALL the contents and not miss anything, simply just keep renew on!πŸ”₯ 

6. Will previous PPV that was sold be available?
 PPVs released before today’s announcement will not be made free since I want to honour those who paid for them in the past! However, you can still purchase them at 50% discount and just DM me the one you are interested in! 😝 

Thank you so much for supporting me! I can’t wait to share more naughty contents with you guys hehehπŸ’•πŸ’•

Hi everyone! I have a huge and exciting announcement to make!! There will be NO PPV going forward starting today for all my subscribers going forward!! Here is some FAQ about what’s changed! 

 1. Why no more PPVs?
 I want to share my content with as many fans as possible going forward! I find some of my content were really good but a lot of the fans don’t get to see it since its behind paywall. Well, now the paywall is no longer there and I will offer the best value for you guys going forward!!πŸ’• 

2. Will there be a price increase on the subscription?
 NO. the price of my sub will remain the same! $15 per month, no additional cost what so ever! πŸ™Œ 
3. Will the contents change going forward?
 YES in a good way! I will start to post more explicit content on the timeline such as UNCENSORED B/G contents, toy play, BJ, and soon nudes!! All for a low price of $15 per month!πŸ™ˆ 

4. Any contents via DM?
 YES! The most explicit content and full length vids will be sent via DM to those with RENEW ON ONLY! The reason behind this is that I want to reward those who support me on a consistent basis the most! πŸ™Œ 

5. If I joined late can I get access to content sent previously to renew on?
 YES! if you joined after the RENEW ON content has been sent out via DM, you can purchase them separately via tips! I will usually state it in the post! If you want to get ALL the contents and not miss anything, simply just keep renew on!πŸ”₯ 

6. Will previous PPV that was sold be available?
 PPVs released before today’s announcement will not be made free since I want to honour those who paid for them in the past! However, you can still purchase them at 50% discount and just DM me the one you are interested in! 😝 

Thank you so much for supporting me! I can’t wait to share more naughty contents with you guys hehehπŸ’•πŸ’•


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