And i'm on 17th week now! Everything is going well. The nausea only lasted for two weeks and now completely gone🥰
I no longer eat fast food, so I have completely switched to homemade meals. I take all the necessary vitamins and drink plenty of water, eating large quantities of celery. I'm experiencing slow weight gain due to changes in my body...
Sometimes, I feel sad because I cannot wear what I want. I have switched to oversized clothing so there is no pressure anywhere.
My tummy has been growing slowly, I cannot lie on it anymore. When I lie down on my back, I can feel uterus with my hand on stomach😵💫
And still, I haven't fully realized that I'm pregnant, it's weird. I'm afraid of how my life will change after the baby is born. Who will I be? What job will I have? How quickly will I recover?
I think i'm able to deal with it. Guys, it will be a boy💙
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