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!! IMPORTANT TIER UPDATES PLEASE READ !! πŸŽ‰βœ¨ hiii hehe~ 🀍 I hope you've been enjoying my content lately~ I love being more and more open with you to the things I love doing- ;3 πŸ’¦ NEW TIER UPDATES have finally arrived! I will be making MAJOR changes (positive!) to the tiers which I know you'll love~ πŸ’•πŸ€€ CHANGES: RESUB gang rewards! πŸ“¨ Fans who resub (minimum 2 months in a row subscription) will RECEIVE the following: $13 tier - a PRIVATE FREE extra video will be sent directly to your DM! I will be sending out an extra FULL LENGTH video to those who RESUB on the second month~!! (and so on!) πŸ“ΈπŸ‘… $20 tier - Fansly re-supporters in the $20 tier will be able to have their username (or desired name) WRITTEN on my BODY! (butt or thighs, you choose ;3) πŸ‘ PLUS the extra FREE video!! $30 tier - re-supporting Fans in this tier will be able to CHOOSE which body part to have their username (or desired name) written on! (yes this includes boobs~ ;3) PLUS the extra FREE video!! Remember that these NEW benefits WILL APPLY to Fans/Supporters who have RESUB turned on and have been subbed for 2 months in a row or as long as you are resubbing for! 🀍✨ BENEFIT UPDATE will apply in the beginning of next month (JULY 1st!) so don't miss out on EXTRA Juicy content! (upgrading your tier (ex: $13 --> $20 or $20 --> $30) will qualify you for that NEW tier benefit!) That's all for this update! Might be adding even more new benefits if this change goes well ;) 🌷 - love, ntski πŸ‘…πŸ’¦


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