
The Undersewers (27x48)

Published: January 29th 2025, 6:08:22 am

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EDIT: Originally I had planned and uploaded this map sideways, but it does not display well as a preview on Patreon, also I have upped the brightness by a lot. Hopefully this new version will show and play better.

The Undersewers are part of an enormous, elaborate system of sewer tunnels, this is only the first of mapy maps that will create the entire collection, many more maps in this environment to come!

I'm quite pleased with the animated version, this map shows off some new features I've learned to create, with giant rotating vents giving it a really cool vibe with the shadows they cast. I'll work on refining this technique some more, so expect it to show up some more!

The map is to be played with the players descending into the area by the stairs at the bottom they can exit the sewer or move on to the next area by some grate that is loose, you may want to inform your players that they discover this as they walk close to it.

Enjoy the map!