Published: January 29th 2025, 4:34:16 pm
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The purifier installation sits at the edge of a large coastal city. This system is just one of many that are in operation. That is, if this one was actually working.. recent tests have shown that there's something off with the water that purifier is responsible for.
Perhaps we should better check it out.
Once you arrive at the location, you see weird people hanging around the platforms, which is odd, because this is supposed to be a remote and autonomous installation where no human interaction is required to keep systems running.
The idea for the map came when multiple people asked if I would create a large structure again like the Hydro dam I made a while ago.
Variants of this map:
Night version
Cyber - Similar to night, but amped up on the neon and lights a bit
Jungle - Always such a cool atheistic, concrete and tech mixed with warm lush jungle colors and plants. Inspired by games such as Horizon Zero Dawn, or perhaps even Anthem (haven't played it, but the visuals were amazing on those YouTube videos covering the game a while ago).
Dust Planet - Another favorite variant of mine, the system is now a mining installation, perhaps based on a planet like Mars.