Yesterday was a very busy day for me as a YouTube blogger. I decided to make a new video for my channel, but things didn't go according to plan right from the start.
When I started recording, my microphone suddenly cut out. I had to interrupt the shoot to figure out my technique. After several attempts, I was still able to get my microphone working and continue recording. But no sooner did I get a good turnout than the power suddenly went out in the house! I had to wait for the power to come back on to finish filming.
Finally, just when I thought the hard part was over, I got another unpleasant surprise. When I uploaded the video to YouTube, it was deleted by the platform's administration. I was shocked and frustrated as I had put so much time and effort into making it. All things considered 😅 But I didn't give up and filed an appeal.
To my joy, my appeal was granted and the video was restored! I couldn't believe my happiness. Now my new video is available to all viewers and I hope they like it. Despite all the difficulties, I'm glad it worked out in the end. It wasn't easy 🙈
Published: April 9th 2024, 5:27:51 am
Yesterday was a very busy day for me as a YouTube blogger. I decided to make a new video for my channel, but things didn't go according to plan right from the start.
When I started recording, my microphone suddenly cut out. I had to interrupt the shoot to figure out my technique. After several attempts, I was still able to get my microphone working and continue recording. But no sooner did I get a good turnout than the power suddenly went out in the house! I had to wait for the power to come back on to finish filming.
Finally, just when I thought the hard part was over, I got another unpleasant surprise. When I uploaded the video to YouTube, it was deleted by the platform's administration. I was shocked and frustrated as I had put so much time and effort into making it. All things considered 😅 But I didn't give up and filed an appeal.
To my joy, my appeal was granted and the video was restored! I couldn't believe my happiness. Now my new video is available to all viewers and I hope they like it. Despite all the difficulties, I'm glad it worked out in the end. It wasn't easy 🙈