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Hey loves! 💕 I enjoy doing edits very much, and am thinking about doing edits for tips. Would you be interested in that? Please let me know down below! 👇 (I will attach examples of my work below.) ❣️Some notes to keep in mind❣️ ⭐️The tip fee would ONLY be for my time spent putting it together, bc I only use free resources atm. $4 for minimum text, color, and imagery, and $8 for more detailed content! Include animated media +$1 OR pay $10 for personal promo video content. (If I get a good response I'll invest in a service that will allow me to create more original content in the future!) 💕 ⭐️It WILL be customized for you, to your taste. Free templates may be used for inspiration, but YOU tell me what you want. Which colors, title, imagery, etc., (If you aren't happy with the product I will redo it.) 💕 ⭐️ATM I'm only comfortable doing social media promos, menus, and cover photos for tips. (If you want me to try something else I will! But I'll wait to ask for a tip until I know you REALLY like it and will use it. Also, I ask that I can save it for the ONLY purpose as to use it in my edits portfolio! ❤️) ⭐️To make contests I host even more fun, I will include a FREE edit for first place! 🏆 ❤️If you want to see me add these services to my page, definitely tell me in the poll. Have anything you'd like to add or critique about my offer, pricing, content, etc., PLEASE let me know in the comments below.❤️ I hope you're all having an amazing day. Remember, you're HOT AS HELL. 🔥🥵 OR as sweet as an angel. 😇☁️ (whichever is your thing.💕)

🚫RATINGS ARE CLOSED🚫 Interested in your own genital report card? And yes ladies, yall are included, too! See the deets below! 👇 Tip on the tip-o-meter, and DM which report card you want. Please also let me know whether or not you want an honest, praise or humiliation rating. I'll happily oblige. 💕💋 ⭐️🍆DICK RATINGS🍆⭐️ Basic template: $4 (Will fill out the template below!) Template and written: $8 (Will fill out the template below & write out a critique/rating.) ✒️🍆DICK REPORT CARD🍆✒️ 1. Girth: _______ 2. Length: _______ 3. Pigmentation: _______ 4. Hygiene: _______ 5. Angle: _______ 6. Lighting: _______ 7. Vascularity: _______ 8. Symmetry: _______ 9. Creativity: _______ ⭐️🍒BOOB RATINGS🍒⭐️ Basic template: $4 (Will fill out the template below!) Template and written: $8 (Will fill out the template below & write out a critique/rating.) ✒️🍒BOOB REPORT CARD🍒✒️ 1. Size: _______ 2. Shape: _______ 3. Nipples: _______ 4. Hygiene: _______ 5. Angle: _______ 6. Lighting: _______ 7. Vascularity: _______ 8. Symmetry: _______ 9. Creativity: _______ ⭐️🐈PUSSY RATINGS🐈⭐️ Basic template: $4 (Will fill out the template below!) Template and written: $8 (Will fill out the template below & write out a critique/rating.) ✒️🐈PUSSY REPORT CARD🐈✒️ 1. Shape: _______ 2. Clit & Lips: _______ 3. Pigmentation: _______ 4. Hygiene: _______ 5. Angle: _______ 6. Lighting: _______ 7. WET-o-meter: _______ 8. Symmetry: _______ 9. Creativity: _______ Tip on the tip-o-meter, and DM which report card you want. Please also let me know whether or not you want an honest, praise or humiliation rating. I'll happily oblige. 💕💋


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