Published: June 7th 2022, 1:27:39 am
My latest dare!! I have to throw my dress out my window and drive to another area of the parking lot. Then, I have to get to my dress FULLY NUDE without getting caught!! This parking lot is soooo busy!! Wanna see if I make it without being seen??
I was dared to get naked in a store not once but TWICE 🙈😜
My dare was to walk down the sidewalk during the day for 1:30 downtown. It was SO busy!! You are definitely going to want to see peoples reactions from me being fully nude and fully embarrassed!!
My 1st crazy dare!! Walk out of an open cafe completely naked 😱 I was SOO nervous! You get both the 1st & 2nd attempt bc the 1st time I had to bail out 🙈