A quick vent because I don't know where else to go or where to put this:
My sister's friends who I only met ONCE and welcomed into my home outed me to my dad about my sex work and he shamed me for it saying I don't understand how dangerous it was and was lowkey judging me despite consuming porn himself
We got into a screaming match about it, nearly kicked his ass out of my house but didn't cuz my sister kept trying to defend me.
I want to implore anyone who might be thinking of outing a sex worker, DON'T. Especially if you barley know them, there's no telling how bad this situation could have gotten and it was still bad with my father.
I enjoy what I'm doing, I don't want to stop, but I feel ashamed and embarrassed due to this and don't feel safe anymore. I want to thank everyone on here for always been super respectful of my boundaries <3