
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! For new subscribers and old subscribers! Publications from 2022 to March of this year will be charged, since the sets as well as the old photos and videos will no longer be active by subscription but by additional payment. Why? People have infiltrated this site and I would not want to block people as well as I do not want them to steal my material since it is without consent as well as it is ILLEGAL to do so. That is why the sets and the old content of my fansly will be charged extra Sorry for the new subscribers but this will be the rule from now on. love haru ♥ -------------- AVISO IMPORTANTE! Para los nuevos suscriptores y viejos suscriptores! Las publicaciones del 2022 al Marzo de este año se cobraran, ya que los sets asi como las fotos y videos autiguos ya no estaran activas por suscripcion si no de paga adicional. Por que? Se han infiltrado gente a este sitio y no quisera bloquear a gente asi como no quiero que me roben material ya que es sin concentimiento asi como es ILEGAL hacerlo. Por eso se cobrara extra los sets y el contenido viejo de mi fansly Disculpen para los nuevos suscriptores pero esta sera lla regla de aqui en adelante. Love haru♥

Published: May 25th 2023, 3:52:06 am


IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! For new subscribers and old subscribers! Publications from 2022 to March of this year will be charged, since the sets as well as the old photos and videos will no longer be active by subscription but by additional payment. Why? People have infiltrated this site and I would not want to block people as well as I do not want them to steal my material since it is without consent as well as it is ILLEGAL to do so. That is why the sets and the old content of my fansly will be charged extra Sorry for the new subscribers but this will be the rule from now on. love haru ♥ -------------- AVISO IMPORTANTE! Para los nuevos suscriptores y viejos suscriptores! Las publicaciones del 2022 al Marzo de este año se cobraran, ya que los sets asi como las fotos y videos autiguos ya no estaran activas por suscripcion si no de paga adicional. Por que? Se han infiltrado gente a este sitio y no quisera bloquear a gente asi como no quiero que me roben material ya que es sin concentimiento asi como es ILEGAL hacerlo. Por eso se cobrara extra los sets y el contenido viejo de mi fansly Disculpen para los nuevos suscriptores pero esta sera lla regla de aqui en adelante. Love haru♥