okay fucking story time
if you guys have followed me on socials before you will know the JAIL BOYFRIEND stories .. but if you're new to my platforms then this is for you HAHAHAHA
so my flatmates and i had a full sex challenge one year ( the content for that is on here if you haven't already got that go get it , it's funny asf ) .. anyways as part of the sex challenge there were HEAPS of tasks .. so hannah and i went out to town one night after a concert and we were on a mission to tick off some challenges to get some points .. we were in this club and this random guy came upto us and was like "my phone died and i need to use someones phone to find my mate" so i gave him mine to use .. and he goes into facebook messenger and types his mates name .. UP FKN POPS AN OLD CONVO I HAVE HAD WITH THIS GUY ( his mate ) .. he was like "oh wtf you know my friend" and i look down at my phone and it's some guy i had fucked YEARS ago at some party HAHAHAHA .. i was like no fkn way
anyways next thing we are saying to him "do you have any lines , we needa do a line of someones soft dick for our challenge" .. so he takes us out to his car , his friend follows aahahaha and then next thing you know , we are doing lines off his soft dick .. then his soft dick gets hard .. and next thing you know we slip and fall onto his dick and are having a full blown threesome in the front seat of his car , booty bumping the horn and his friend in the back seat HAHAHAHAHAHAH .. WE MADE HIM TAKE SOME PICS AND VIDS because another task in our sex challenge was to have a threesome ahahahahah
anyways after we are done we leave back into the club .. come a few days later my bestie calls me and goes "HAHAHA you wont guess what i just found out" and she goes "lol i just got a call from the doctors and they told me i have the clap.. so that means you will and the guy from the car threesome" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA SO WE BOTH FUCKING CAUGHT THE CLAP OFF MY BESTIE
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