Night Before Kattmas
'Twas the night before Kattmas and all through the server
Not a creature was stirring, not even Aura Obscura
The stockings were thigh highs and pulled snug with care
In the hopes that she would otherwise soon be bare
Bagheera was nestled all snug in her bed
While visions of nerf balls danced in her head
Katt in her PJs having taken a Snap
Was just settling down for a long winter's nap.
When out on the balcony there arose such a clatter
Katt sprang from her bed to see what was the matter
Away to the window she flew like the Flash
Tore open the blinds without batting an eyelash
The moon on her breast was as on new fallen snow
Giving her skin an ethereal heavenly glow
When what to her wondering eyes came to view
But a flying pirate ship with a most motley crew
With riotous laughter and a skill most highly
She saw is it was flown by Bene, Glenn, Aura, and Smiley
More crew did she see as closer it came
And she laughed and shouted and called them by name
“Hi Raven, hi Thorson, hi Cog and Gio!
Hi Barbour, hi Jaws, hi Lucy and Shio!
Away to Katt Island as our port of call
Let’s fly away, fly away, fly away all!”
With Biggie in tow, our Katt climbed aboard
And once underway up the ship soared
And they all exclaimed as the ship took flight
“Merry Kattmas to all and to all Goodnight!"
~ NotSoSmiley
Night Before Kattmas
'Twas the night before Kattmas and all through the server
Not a creature was stirring, not even Aura Obscura
The stockings were thigh highs and pulled snug with care
In the hopes that she would otherwise soon be bare
Bagheera was nestled all snug in her bed
While visions of nerf balls danced in her head
Katt in her PJs having taken a Snap
Was just settling down for a long winter's nap.
When out on the balcony there arose such a clatter
Katt sprang from her bed to see what was the matter
Away to the window she flew like the Flash
Tore open the blinds without batting an eyelash
The moon on her breast was as on new fallen snow
Giving her skin an ethereal heavenly glow
When what to her wondering eyes came to view
But a flying pirate ship with a most motley crew
With riotous laughter and a skill most highly
She saw is it was flown by Bene, Glenn, Aura, and Smiley
More crew did she see as closer it came
And she laughed and shouted and called them by name
“Hi Raven, hi Thorson, hi Cog and Gio!
Hi Barbour, hi Jaws, hi Lucy and Shio!
Away to Katt Island as our port of call
Let’s fly away, fly away, fly away all!”
With Biggie in tow, our Katt climbed aboard
And once underway up the ship soared
And they all exclaimed as the ship took flight
“Merry Kattmas to all and to all Goodnight!"
~ NotSoSmiley