#OOTD 🦁 i'm absolutely lovinggg the new Fallout show omg should i just fall down a deep lore rabbit hole 🫣 i feel like i have so many questions about the Vaults... i do kinda want to play one of the games now hehe maybe Fallout 4? 🤠
#doublebraids #fallout #gamergirl #egirl #streamer
Published: May 7th 2024, 7:00:30 pm
#OOTD 🦁 i'm absolutely lovinggg the new Fallout show omg should i just fall down a deep lore rabbit hole 🫣 i feel like i have so many questions about the Vaults... i do kinda want to play one of the games now hehe maybe Fallout 4? 🤠
#doublebraids #fallout #gamergirl #egirl #streamer