Published: April 27th 2022, 3:46:15 pm
sososo excited to be photographing beautiful babes in oregon’s beautiful nature soon! 🌲📸💕 did you know i’m a photographer?! 🌵 instagram.com/kactuskamera 🌵
oregon… was… incredible!!! 😍 i felt SO alive + happy when i was in nature, surrounded by vibrant green plants, lil buggies, flowing rivers, wildlife, and the crisp air on my nipples! 🌲🌸🌸🌲
trying on clothes for my oregon trip! 🌲 which one’s your favorite?! are you as excited for my kactus porn with @svnflowerqueen as we are?! 🌵
Fall is my absolute favorite 😍 I’m so excited to start sharing these photos at the height of the leaves changing 🍁🍂