
Let me explain why I used physiological saline to fill my bladder instead of urine, because the wooden floor surface in my room is no longer waxy (not waterproof). If I used urine, it would seep into the floor before the video recording was completed, and the whole room would be filled with a urine odor the next day 我来解释一下我为什么用生理盐水灌入膀胱代替尿液,因为我这边房间的木地板表面已经没有蜡了(不防水),如果我用尿液的话,现在天气很热,它们会在视频录制完成之前渗入地板,第二天整个房间会充满尿骚味

Published: July 9th 2023, 9:25:12 pm


Let me explain why I used physiological saline to fill my bladder instead of urine, because the wooden floor surface in my room is no longer waxy (not waterproof). If I used urine, it would seep into the floor before the video recording was completed, and the whole room would be filled with a urine odor the next day 我来解释一下我为什么用生理盐水灌入膀胱代替尿液,因为我这边房间的木地板表面已经没有蜡了(不防水),如果我用尿液的话,现在天气很热,它们会在视频录制完成之前渗入地板,第二天整个房间会充满尿骚味

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