
irisgoldea | Page 9

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Here begins the Shining Chronicle of my Numinous Rising Sun…reflect on the glory of your new shimmering, ascendant Queen of Whores and Hierophant of Holy Harlotry! Through my body the race of mankind will be restored! My soul and my pussy are the gateways of bliss to a new resplendent age in which men become men again; wise, masculine, grounded, and strong. All confusion and angst will be healed and dissolved in the warm honey-hole cauldron of my exquisite sluttiness! I offer you my first Confession! I descended upon a sex club at 5am on Saturday morning to bring the rare gift of true innocent and unbridled intimacy…that secret ingredient that is missing from sex clubs…and I began the weaving of my spell of sensuality with my erotic dancing in front of a couple of guys who looked at me like wolves look at meat until my dance mojo turned them feral with desire…we fled to a private room and the guy who looked like some kind of sea pirate Viking raider fucked me half to death and then over the rings of Saturn…the other guy fondled my heaving tits as the sweat ran off my body and my moans of ecstasy purred through the walls…the Viking guy would occasionally stop for breath to keep from dying and the other guy would put his cock in me and ejaculate instantly, load after load, hour after hour I was dealt with and pleasured to the point of being completely shattered with bliss and reborn a new woman, my cunt so spoiled and satiated that I could hardly tell up from down but now I have a new high water mark, a new tide to ride towards deeper cunt wisdom, the oceanic depth of the eternal pearl diving sexual treasure…the witchy Woman, the true Priestess of Sex and her lascivious pink cock swallowing Eye of Horus, is bottomless and will always have her existing pleasure boundary pounded to smithereens by the latest and greatest swashbuckler of cock, the heartwood-hard, flesh-hammer wielding emissary of the ever insistent Masculine imperative to plow the soil of the sacred slut just that little bit deeper.


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