April 16
"So... What can I say?🐰
Dumbledore's secrets turned out to be very touching and piquant!😯🥰 I shed a tear! As many as three times!
And Mads Mikkelsen is unique! A special charisma that fits perfectly into the image of Grindelwald❤️🔥 I think now the Harry Potter universe will expand indefinitely (and thank God)!
High-budget cinema seems to have long crossed a certain line in the management of the viewer's feelings, which cannot be crossed! The movie is oversaturated with emotions, it's a little scary!😅
(La-La-Land struck me the most, I didn’t really like what happened on the screen, but I still cried at the end, as if the director, against my will, fórced me to empathize on an instinctive level).
What can u say? Have u seen Fantastic Beasts yet?💕
By the way! U recommended great movies and games! Downloaded Animal Crossing, Zelda, Overcooked 2 and many other games!! I'll take all my stress away!😎 Thank u!!
PS: Sent u a gift!🌸🌸
PPS: Happy Easter!!! (If u are celebrating!)💜
PPPS: Likes! Likes! Likes!