
Alright if I dooooo stream tonight, it’s gonna be at like 10 or 11pm est and it’ll be for a few hours <3 Desktop or VR? If we stay desktop I can use better toy combos :o low key feeling the gravity tonight 🫠 maybe starting off with the vulse and then moving up 🥰 Also peep my free audio I posted if you haven’t yet 😘

Published: December 26th 2024, 12:02:12 am


Alright if I dooooo stream tonight, it’s gonna be at like 10 or 11pm est and it’ll be for a few hours <3 Desktop or VR? If we stay desktop I can use better toy combos :o low key feeling the gravity tonight 🫠 maybe starting off with the vulse and then moving up 🥰 Also peep my free audio I posted if you haven’t yet 😘

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