
OKAY SO NEWS LOL STREAM IS ALL GOOD SO NO WORRIES ABOUT THAT! I'LL SEE YOU AT 9 <3 BUT Fansly changed their TOS so I need to redo/rethink this months equivalent to OctDopa T_T so gimme like a few days to figure that out ALSO Advent Calendar is one day late too lmao I'M SORRY but we're spending the 1s't day of December together so hopefully that makes up for it IF IT DOESN'T SOMEHOW LMAO Then here is this <3 take it you can have it, I made it :p No sound because it's gonna be a gif lmao OKAY MUAH SEE YOU LATER!

Published: December 1st 2024, 9:23:33 pm


OKAY SO NEWS LOL STREAM IS ALL GOOD SO NO WORRIES ABOUT THAT! I'LL SEE YOU AT 9 <3 BUT Fansly changed their TOS so I need to redo/rethink this months equivalent to OctDopa T_T so gimme like a few days to figure that out ALSO Advent Calendar is one day late too lmao I'M SORRY but we're spending the 1s't day of December together so hopefully that makes up for it IF IT DOESN'T SOMEHOW LMAO Then here is this <3 take it you can have it, I made it :p No sound because it's gonna be a gif lmao OKAY MUAH SEE YOU LATER!